GB is getting better at adjusting the "light" after so many disasters

by OnTheWayOut 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • OnTheWayOut

    The total destruction of all worldly governments will definitely arrive in 1914, oh wait... 1915.
    Oops, 1918- sometime in there.

    The prophets will be resurrected by 1925, no doubt about it. Well, soon after that, maybe.
    Millions now living will never die. Change that to "may" never die. Nevermind.

    The end should arrive when mankind is 6000 years old in 1975, so that the 1000 years
    reign of Christ will fit into the 7000 year-long day of Jehovah's rest. Well, we never said it
    must come on that day.

    The generation of 1914, defined as those adults alive then, redefined as those older children
    alive then, redefined as anyone born then- anyway, they will not all pass away before all these
    things occur- World Wars, pestilence, increase in lawlessness and earthquakes, etc. & Armageddon.

    The 1995 adjustment to that long-held doctrine was not so good for them, but they had to do something.
    They did just enough to make people say "Huh?" but not so much that core-believers questioned it.
    They learned their lesson from 1975, the fallout was much smaller this time.

    Today's reduction in ranks was not due to their doctrinal changes of late, it was due to the internet and
    former members exposing the mistakes of the past. If it weren't for those past mistakes, they would
    do okay recovering from current changes. The latest change- reduction of printing costs- involves no
    doctrinal changes, but they can spin this to make people think the end is imminent- ALL WITHOUT EVER

    Now, they can get JW rank and file all worked up in the opposite direction from all the years past.
    The growth used to be proof that these were God's people. Now the reduction in ranks that will follow and
    reduction of costs, possibly leaving Brooklyn, all this will be proof that "the end is nearer."

    While it might be obvious to you and me, not so for the average rank and file. All their changes after 1975
    have been more cautious. You might recall Ray Franz discussing the possibilities for "This Generation."
    Those different changes would have been huge mistakes (making the "generation" the ones who saw the
    celestial phenomena of Satelites and men in space). The change they made was minor in comparison to
    what they used to say in the past. They also learned to stop saying they were a prophet, they convinced
    people that they were spirit-directed, but not "inspired" to write the WT literature. The latest mags propose
    doctrinal changes as "interesting possibilities." They float possibilities for years until everyone accepts them
    for facts.

    All I am saying is "Use every change to help your family out of the borg, but understand that they have
    carefully constructed every change. Your family won't see it so clearly."

    Sure, we all know the real reason for Bethel layoffs, but they say the printing is automated and they need
    those Bethelites "in the field." We know why they sell off land in Brooklyn and cut costs of printing- the
    rank and file even know the true reason, but we can't convince them that it isn't a "sign" so easily.
    I am rambling a bit because I get so far with the wife and mother, then they say things that remind me
    that they are still captives of the concept that 10 men in Brooklyn are God's representatives on Earth.

  • IronClaw

    I agree with you. But its a very hard thing to break someone of Mind Control. Just look at all the Cults in the past. Good luck with your wife and mom.

    The Claw.

  • AlmostAtheist

    >>Millions now living will never die. Change that to "may" never die. Nevermind.

    I know the intent of your post wasn't to be funny -- but that was funny!

    When I was in the bOrg, everything that happened meant the end was gonna happen soon. Growth, no growth, good calls, bad calls, wars, peace -- everything could be easily spun to mean "we're right". Wish there was a magic bullet to shoot thru that curtain, but it just ain't out there.


  • greendawn

    It's up to the members to use their intelligence and realise that they are being taken out on a very long ride. Does anyone know what the difference between spirit directed and spirit inspired is? To me they sound as the same sort of activity by the Holy Spirit.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Thanks guys. Actually, i don't know if I started off trying to be funny, then
    making a serious point, or if I was just mad about things I have been thinking
    about. All I know is, I hear it in the sayings of the JW's and in their actions-
    the grip of the WTS may be getting weaker on some, but not on all.
    They say to me- Anything good for us is a sign of Jah's blessings. Anything
    bad for us is a sign of Satan's attack. It's all proof that the WTS is right
    about anything. Even when they are wrong, their telling us the correct
    understanding of things is proof that they receive God's directions.

    I know that in my fade, the elders have not reached out at all to shepherd
    me back to the flock. I am thrilled that they haven't. But to my wife, it's like
    that's proof that my thinking is able to drag other elders down, so Jehovah
    is protecting them. They will step in to help me, if there's any hope, later.
    Even in leaving behind JW thinking, a person can say that's proof that this
    is Jah's organization. Satan is attacking a good man, making him doubt. The
    WTS must know what they are saying. If I stayed and kept undermining the
    Borg, then she would say everything is okay, just stop complaining. If I just
    walk away, Satan got me.

    I think the average posters here understand my frustration. A JW would
    say to just wait on Jehovah. I have high hopes for the future with my wife and
    I hope to continue communicating with my mother, but at times it is just so

  • AlmostAtheist

    >>I have high hopes for the future with my wife and I hope to continue communicating with my mother, but at times it is just so hopeless.

    Dude, I was Joe-Publisher. Unhappy, guilt-ridden, but looking forward to paradise and totally knowing I was in "The Truth". Then, in one day, it all ended. It took at most a total of 3 days to go from "The Truth" to "The Troof". Nobody coulda seen it coming, least of all me.

    Don't give up hope.


  • ithinkisee

    They do other things to slowly change stuff:

    The Society introduces new thoughts and ideas in footnotes. Look at the articles on pinatas, luaus, etc. They have done the same in the past with 1914607 as well.

    Hinting about a new thought in a magazine or assembly talk and then referring back to that talk or article when they officially adopt the new idea.
    They did this in 1995 with the generation change, and have hinted at some things recently in backing away from 1914. This gives the impression to the unwitting dub that it is something that is not really new ... just the light getting brighter. They are laying the groundwork now for the upcoming 2014 date.

    Suggest stuff and see how it takes.
    The Governing Body will give talks out in congregations and ad lib at assemblies some new thoughts and then wait for a reaction from the brothers to see how it is taken. Some, like the brother a month or so ago that claimed the preaching work was finished is one example. I have heard other theories tried as well from other GB members.


  • OnTheWayOut

    Changing the elder arrangement back in the day from a popularity contest to
    a spiritual appointment. Nothing but positive spin.

    Realigning the power structure in the 70's to give power to the Governing Body-
    this was all proof that they were God's people.
    Taking the corporation control away from the Governing Body and just keeping
    them in charge of doctrine- proof that they were God's people.

    They hint at so many things now, because they want to see what people are
    saying. They know that if Armageddon isn't imminent, the rank and file go live their
    normal lives, so they try different stuff, then push whatever seems to work.

    Now the mags with a "members only" stamp on them- proof that the end is near.
    Since I am about to become inactive in the recruiting work, they will try to dangle
    their OKM and mid-month study articles in front of me, saying "all you gotta do is
    preach a little." WHO CARES? But when I show them my "Who cares?" attitude,
    it will be proof that Satan got me, he's busier than ever.

  • clarity

    In April 2010 wt had nu lite once again regarding the "generation",

    it became, "two generations" cause they ran out of time & needed an


    Another trick! hmmm lessee what happens .. well many, including me,


    Most, by now don't even flinch! If you speak of it, they say,

    right or wrong, we will never leave!....

    All GB now look like this... as they turn the screws

    ever tighter!


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