Meeting's..........the best Medicine!!!

by Latte 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • anglise

    Does anyone remember a few years ago we had the item on the SM about appreciating the drama tapes?
    Anyway the excerpt that was played at our hall was just so hammed up with the awful music and "charlton Heston" sound alike jhvh that us in the back row collapsed and some had to go out to recover.
    You see we had never ever bought any of these tapes and so had no idea what to expect when it started to play.

    Strange thing is we never did buy any tapes after that.

  • LittleToe

    I recall a Wt Study where one youth started farfing - LOUD.
    It carried on forever, to the point that we started timing it.
    Fifteen seconds after we started timing, it stopped.

    We didn't know whether to laugh or applaud.
    Needless to say, the bro. reading had to stop, and had real trouble starting again.

  • LittleToe

    Also remember in the announcements that a bro. got his letters mixed up whilst announcing the ministry arrangements (this has to be a common one, but hasn't been commented on).

    He announced "meeting at the *** Road Group" as "meeting at the *** rude grope"!!!

    I think he had a letter to read after that, but I have to confess, I wasn't really concentrating

  • LDH

    At the bookstudy one night, a BAD little BRATTY girl would NOT sit in her seat--walking all around the group and everything. (In someone's home).

    She pulled the rubber cap off the folding chair and jammed her finger down in it.

    Blood curdling scream---it was stuck for REAL! no one could get it out for like 5 min until a brother ran and got some dish detergent, poured it all over her hand, and YANKED!

    Damn that thing made a loud noise when it popped out.

    There were several (myself included) who that the littel brat got what she deserved and silently laughed till I cried....


  • Makena1

    Once I decided to take a little nap during the written review, but instead fell into a deep sleep. I was the piano player in those days. The transition song was announced, but the "musician" was sound asleep. The attendants had to literally shake me, and help me walk down the aisle. Still groggy, I missed more notes during that one song than nearly 30 years of playing.

    A visiting speaker giving a talk about the "false Trinity" doctrine said in his introduction, "Probably no one here believes this BS doctrine, but we are going to cover these main points together....." (out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks! lol)

    Another brother new to the TM School, when introducing John 17:3 said, "We have all read and looked up this scripture probably 1000's of times, but what the heck - let's do it once more". Dad who was the temp school overseer let the poor bro have it during counsel.

    One of the first KH's I attended was a rented room with wooden floors above a shoe store. One youngster had brought a hankerchief full of small toys and marbles with him. As he was pulling it out, he dropped the hankerchief, marbles hit the floor with loud noises and spread everywhere. The attendants and family close by were on their hands and knees helping out, while everyone was laughing. The conductor said in a friendly manner, "When you brothers and sisters are done playing with little Roy's marbles, we can call the meeting back to order." My best memories in the "truth" were from this close-knit, friendly KH - 1957 - 1970.

    Enjoyable thread everybody.

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