My Bethel Experience Part 12

by new boy 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dogpatch

    Hookers? Yes, the guy in my entrants school class was from Hawaii, I won't name names, but he was there not quite a year when Knorr had him for breakfast. He was caught visiting the brothels on 42nd Street! Within 2 hours of breakfast the poor guy had all the dubs in Hawaii aware of him, as he was flying back there!


    Net Soup!

  • El Kabong
    El Kabong

    He was caught visiting the brothels??? What was the person who caught him doing in that area anyway? Hmmm....

  • 95stormfront

    He was probably mad because it was his "date" the guy unloaded on.

  • SirNose586

    Seems like an ubiquitous problem of denying sex to the young people inside, then forcing them to get married for the sex (so they think) before they're really ready to commit to it, then the separation and divorce when things don't work out.

    And yes, about the hookers: it seems quite plausible. In time, those urges get too strong, and suddenly, the morals no longer seem to matter.

  • Balsam

    Hey New Boy,

    OMG thank you or the laugh, you have such a great sense of humor in conveying what life was like at Bethel. I had a nephew who went up there but he didn't make it even a year they sent him home for chronic illness (he had asthma attacks all the time) which magically disappeared when he left there. He was a real dits and socially so darn weird I wondered how anyone could have endured being around him. He didn't have any good stories but I assume it is because e was the source of some real finger pointing. LOL He was up there about 1974.

  • new boy
    new boy

    Last time to get these out of the bone yard...

  • jefferywhat

    Seriously Bethel was like bold and the beautiful, minus the beautiful, great reading!!

  • mind my own
    mind my own

    Oh my gosh New Boy, this makes for such interesting reading!! Please tell us more!!

    I totally believe you but it seems so crazy to hear these stories after being so brainwashed about what a holy place Bethel is. I visited there once and everything just seemed so perfect.

    Looking forward to more!


  • BreakingAway

    I really enjoy reading these experiences new boy, please keep posting them !

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