Assembly Time

by Sasha 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Sasha

    Hope this has not already been covered: Any one know what the gist of the JW assemblies this season?

    Titles, subjects, etc.

    I heard one was that false relegion was going to collapse at any moment. But, of course, that's been being said for quite a while. Just curious.

  • SirNose586

    The DC's theme is "Follow The Christ!" which sounds like it will tell us important ways in which in we can follow the GB without thinking or worrying about independent thought. Praise Jah!!

  • Alligator Wisdom
    Alligator Wisdom
    The DC's theme is "Follow The Christ!"

    Spot on SirNose586!

    Christ means "Annointed". Thus the the theme, "Follow THE Christ".

    I'm sure there will be plenty of consideration at the DC of the FDS (Governing Body) as whom we should give our utmost allegience.

    Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother NOT Exerting Vigorously by WTS standards)

  • zeroday
    Any one know what the gist of the JW assemblies this season?

    AHHH I'm not sure, it's been a few years since I've attended an assembly but I don't think I would be wrong if I said, "THE END IS COMMING SOON" And by the way you witnesses are NOT DOING ENOUGH TO FURTHER THE PREACHING. I might be a little off but I don't think so....

  • blondie
  • Sasha

    So, you GO to these assemblies? I mean, how do you get all this info????

    Last years (When I was stil lgoing) I thought my head would explode, as I was strongly encouraged to "take notes". I have severe migraines and M.S. so, it was grueling. Plus, I noticed half the audience was literally asleep! A tad BORING!!!! Always THEM, THEM, THEM. Death to all others. horrible. So UN Christian, I thought!

  • onacruse


    So, you GO to these assemblies? I mean, how do you get all this info????

    She's one of the Nethinim, don't ya know? LOL

  • blondie

    onacruse, shame on you. While I may be a gutsy woman, I don't have the "balls" to be a Nethinim.

    sasha, I just Google some of it, save those sites for future reference, and some of it is posted on JWD by attendees. I haven't been to an assembly/convention for 5 years, cannot tolerate listening to tapes, and rarely read any transcripts. I would be .

  • IsaacJS2

    One thing of interest (hope no one mentioned it here already) is that they apparently allow non-Witnesses to go to the assemblies. At least, that's what I was told the last time a Witness in-law felt the need to preach at me.

    They even had brochures they handed out at the last assembly inviting "worldly" people to come. I suppose anyone could pop in just to see what sort of weirdness was going on at present. Personally, I always found the assemblies incredibly boring. I never understood why everyone got so happy about it even when I was a full blown devotee. It was torture. We always ended up at Veteran's Stadium because it was the cheapest they could get, which left us out in the sun for 3 solid days in our meetings clothes with no protection.

    Every single year, between 5-12 people died due to the sun and heat!!! When I found this out, I was shocked. The others just said that is was mostly the very young, old, or sick...whatever. So I guess that made it alright. Whatever the Society was willing to pay for, huh? Sheesh. Now that I know how much cash the Society has, all I can say is that this is truly pathetic.


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