JW's "Genius" Brainwashing Technique - DID YOU FEEL THIS WAY?

by Good Girl or Bad Girl? 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    Good Girl or Bad Girl?

    I couldn't agree more with your thoughts Good Girl. "The world and Satan are attacking us." (unless you made a bad decision, then its your fault and responsibility.) I looooved it when a CO said that it's your job, school, etc that is making you tired, not the meetings. Well, thats right. Life, REAL LIFE, DOES make you tired. WHICH IS WHY YOU NEED REST!!!!! I am sorry to discover the fact that sitting on your @$$ after a long day of work is most helpful for you to get up somewhat refreshed to do it again the next day.

    This also reminds me of the circular reasoning regarding prayer. Remember, PRAY! Then look for the answer to your prayers. Don't assume though that Jehovah will answer the prayer in the way you asked. Maybe he won't answer it at all in your case. He may have his reasons. But even if your prayer isn't answered, (even if brother and sister @$$hole DID get their prayers answered) remember that prayer WORKS! (esp if it is to Jehovah, the hearer of prayer, though not always the returner of the communique)

    As always with the borg, the problem with much of the GB's teachings is that when they set one teaching in motion, there are 10 different questions that can't be answered. So life is then reduced to simple platitudes (as you brought out Good Girl, life sucks outside the borg, so why leave, its not JW that are problem.) The more we learn about the circular reasoning used, the more it helps those who have left.

    Oh yeah, good point, that is another thing that looking back made "perfect sense" for them to do, make you feel so guilty for missing meetings that no matter how dog tired you are, you go, but then it just further adds to the fog in your brain, and your inability to take a step back and realize you are being duped in the biggest way. That's why they insist on all the reading (have you read all your Watchtowers and Awakes yet? The new release? The old 64-page books? and on and on and on), plus Bible reading, preparing for all the meetings, daily text, prayer, meditation, preparing for service, going in service, it fills up any "free" time you might have had, which is an opportunity for you to think for yourself. NOT GOOD.

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