JW's "Genius" Brainwashing Technique - DID YOU FEEL THIS WAY?

by Good Girl or Bad Girl? 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    Good Girl or Bad Girl?

    Great thread..............You are so right.

    That is way its time to change your name............YOU ARE GOOD GIRL....and will never be bad girl.

    Thank you. You should change your name to Boy then. LOL. Or Man. You aren't the new boy anymore!

  • Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    Good Girl you are spot on! They use a series of devices that snare you and one of the biggest is if you leave "where will you go away to?" When you read on this board people talking about trying to get family members out - that reply comes up over and over again. JWs believe that it is dangerous and bad out there - its a nameless fear for the most part of being in a debauched world where people are just waiting to stab you in the back. And what do you think all those articles are about in the mags wheer people share experiences of being drug addicts, murderers, prostitutes before they became dubs. They deliberately pick extreme examples (if they are even true) to reinforce that this is what the world outside is like so that people feel less tempted to leave.

    Crump, I think you are right about that - IF those experiences are even true - though I wouldn't be surprised if they are true, as they prey on the vulnerable, people who want something better, people who want a fresh start or to turn their lives around. I believe that's how they sucked my mom in - she wasn't happy and just wanted easy answers. They have all the "answers!"

    of course we all know that the world is brimming with beautiful lovely shiney happy people for real and every day brings a new example of this humanity.

    Just like you, Crumpy!!!

  • J-ex-W

    Good girl--------- GOOD CALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You hit the nail right on the head, and very succintly too.

  • SixofNine

    Yes, I have a cousin I see as a perfect example of this now.

    She's been through a hell of a lot of trauma, both internal (her mind is quite fucked up), and external (she married an evil middle eastern bastard and ended up having to go into hiding to protect herself and keep him from absconding their child to the middle east).

    However, all that trauma, at least to her mind, has come from outside the org, because, well, she stayed outside the org (her father was not a witness, and her mother didn't really seem to get serious about it until my cousin was an adult). So, Amy finally got baptised at 30 something, her life a wreck, and on a scary cocktail of anti-depressants and drugs to fight the side effects of other drugs.

    To make a long story short, I recently talked to her; she's married a much younger guy who was/is? a study, gotten herself df'd for her actions around that (though it's hard to imagine they had sex beforehand, they got married in a flash...geez), and is now off all her meds and sounding mentally better than ever. She's a very smart person, so things should be looking up, at least where the cult is concerned, right?

    Nope, because she still sees the organization as her shining saviour, and she's just never given it a chance. Hopefully some clear thought will break thru before she gets reinstated, or maybe just the process of getting reinstated will. But she'll probably be treated with kid gloves by the elders. I hate to say I hope not. But I kinda hope not.

  • Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    Good Girl or Bad Girl?

    here's something beautiful a friend gave me

    Good and bad, self and others, life and death: Why affirm these concepts? Why deny them? To do either is to exercise the mind, and an integral being knows that the manipulations of the mind are dreams delusions, and shadows.
    Hold one idea, and another competes with it. soon the two will be in conflict with a third, and in time your life is all chatter and contradiction.
    Seek instead to keep your mind undivided.
    Dissolve all Ideas into the Tao.


    Bod, this reminds me of some ideas in my toltec wisdom book as well (I started a thread about The Four Agreements, a Totlec Wisdom Book a while back, and though the writing style does get to me from time to time, it has some really good/healing ideas/concept in it, and is worth a look for everyone, I think, if you want to make peace with yourself and your "demons" from your pasts, so to say):

    the toltec wisdom book talks about agreements we make with ourselves - agreements is another word for beliefs - and pretty soon the agreements start to condradict themselves and cause conflict in our brains - like what you said too. anyway - it creates this chaos of a 100 different voices in our brains - the toltecs called it the "mitote" - and that is why we are all so confused and our minds racing all the time. and why we are constantly in turmoil in our heads over what we should do.

    the solution: is to create new and healthy agreements, and break the old ones. I'm NOT saying this is easy, but the book (apparently I'm a spokesperson for this book, lol) outlines HOW to break these old unhealthy agreements, and I do believe he (don Miguel Ruiz, author) wrote a sequel that goes into more detail on how to do this.

  • new boy
    new boy

    Point well taken.......

    They say words have power................they are affirmations. How we think of ourselfs is how we are..

    That is why the JWs gather 3-4 times every week and say the same things over and over.


    That is why they get worried when you miss meetings (you need to keep taking their drugs, they do ware off after a few weeks) Its like the guy in the movie THX-1138 when he stopped taking his mind control drugs........WOW! he could think for himself.

    New Man...........LOL

  • Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    Good girl--------- GOOD CALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You hit the nail right on the head, and very succintly too.

    hahaha, this makes me laugh so hard, J-ex-W! My mom ALWAYS said I needed to be more "pithy!" I automatically assumed you were being sarcastic when I read that you described something I wrote as "succinct." Thank you for that. This thread shows to me how far I've come in my mind and stopping negative self talk dead in its tracks, while promoting the positive! YAY, me! Good for nothing slave that I am. LOL.

  • Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    Good Girl or Bad Girl?

    That is why they get worried when you miss meetings (you need to keep taking their drugs, they do ware off after a few weeks) Its like the guy in the movie THX-1138 when he stopped taking his mind control drugs........WOW! he could think for himself.

    New Man...........LOL

    New Man: You are right about that - my brother is so angry and hurt right now, and blames all his pain on the JW's. Yet he went to one Sunday meeting, after not going for quite some time, and from talking to him Saturday night to talking to him Sunday afternoon, he ALREADY sounded a bit more robot-like in his thinking. Saturday he was really thinking for himself and expressing himself from the heart, Sunday afternoon he was back to making up excuses for the sh*t the JW's do.

    It's sort of like working out. If you get into really good shape at some point in your life, build good muscle definition, etc, but then due to injury or whatever (needing to spend your 'working-out time' reading and meditating on the "daily text" ) you don't work out anymore and become overweight...once you start back into your workout routine again it takes less time to get back to where you once peaked than when you very first started working out.

    Boy that took a lot of explaining (told you I'm not succinct!) just to get to this point: my brother, after one meeting, already started to pick back up where he left off. If he started going back to all the meetings they could suck him back in. But if he had been a complete stranger randomly walking in from off the street I think he would have just laughed out loud at the complete insanity of what was being said, and walk back out.

    Yeah, and they tell you it's because Satan will corrupt your brain if you don't go. But what is really true is the opposite: they CANNOT corrupt your brain if you are not there to get it corrupted.


  • garybuss

    Witnesses advocate to their own detriment. Ignorance, poverty, unhappiness, and illness are virtues to them. Ignorance, poverty, and unhappiness, are the goals, illness is the product.

    The opposite is education, prosperity, and happiness. Health is the product. These are the things Witness I know hate.

  • AllTimeJeff

    I couldn't agree more with your thoughts Good Girl. "The world and Satan are attacking us." (unless you made a bad decision, then its your fault and responsibility.) I looooved it when a CO said that it's your job, school, etc that is making you tired, not the meetings. Well, thats right. Life, REAL LIFE, DOES make you tired. WHICH IS WHY YOU NEED REST!!!!! I am sorry to discover the fact that sitting on your @$$ after a long day of work is most helpful for you to get up somewhat refreshed to do it again the next day.

    This also reminds me of the circular reasoning regarding prayer. Remember, PRAY! Then look for the answer to your prayers. Don't assume though that Jehovah will answer the prayer in the way you asked. Maybe he won't answer it at all in your case. He may have his reasons. But even if your prayer isn't answered, (even if brother and sister @$$hole DID get their prayers answered) remember that prayer WORKS! (esp if it is to Jehovah, the hearer of prayer, though not always the returner of the communique)

    As always with the borg, the problem with much of the GB's teachings is that when they set one teaching in motion, there are 10 different questions that can't be answered. So life is then reduced to simple platitudes (as you brought out Good Girl, life sucks outside the borg, so why leave, its not JW that are problem.) The more we learn about the circular reasoning used, the more it helps those who have left.

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