Education idiot!

by FrightMare 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • hillary_step


    I really am horribly sorry if any of my comments upset you. Your wife does not seem to be to happy with me either, thus I also apologize to her publicly.

    Life is just not cricket when you happen to be the it Frightmare.


  • larc


    It looks like you snookered us. You promote education and imply that those who did not pursue it are idiots. Then we find out that you didn't pursue it either, but you are apparently rich. Good for you and nice game you played with us.

    Hope you enjoyed yourself.

  • hillary_step

    Hello Larc,

    Do hope that you are well.

    Just for the record. 'Frightmare' originally came on the board as 'Nightmare' and made some appalling and disgraceful comments about being a 'terrorist' and threatened to shoot people. Simon closed his account. He then surfaced as 'Frightmare' and has been honest enough to admit he is a 'troll' looking to raise Cain, not just on this Board but others. He has a dubious success rate at this given goal.

    He is a waste of time Larc.

    My best regards to you - HS

  • Introspection

    Pr 26:18-19

    (feigns masturbation for the sake of mockery)

    "Truth and Falsehood are both whatever, and simutaneously NOT so, rather than not." - Alf the Poet (quoted from a post in alt.buddha.short.fat.guy).

  • TR


    I can see why you didn't get educated.

    The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
    —Edmund Burke

  • Cassiline

    TR!!!!!! my sentiments exactly! Too funny.


    When the pain of being where we are, becomes greater than our fear of letting go...we will risk and heal and grow.

  • TR


    Like my grandpa always told me, "If the head fits in the ass, wear it." or something like that.


    The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
    —Edmund Burke

  • Deacon

    MBA and MD
    PhD on hold till whenever in Psychology...ex assistant chair for clinical medicine at XXXXX university England.
    Should havebeen out pioneering..wasted youth...

  • joelbear

    I got a very good high school education in Valdosta Georgia that has served me well over the years. I received an Associates Degree with a 4.0 GPA from Florida Community College at Jacksonville. I had started at the University of North Florida right as I began struggling with personal issues 13 years ago.

    I have educated myself on a number of subjects through research and reading. I do not believe that having a degree or not having a degree necessarily means one is educated. I have met many college graduates who I do not consider well educated.

    I do not believe that the purpose of education is to make money although that is a nice side benefit. I enjoy learning for the sake of learning. Proof of that is the fact that I am going back to school now to study Math and Sociology. When I graduate I might be able to find a job in that field that pays me 1/2 to 2/3 of what I make now.

    If you want to make money, go into sales. Sales requires good communication skills, good record keeping ability, a sincere attitude, a friendly manner and a great deal of perseverence. I learned all these skills as a pioneer and now I make a lot of money.



  • DIM

    I have an associates degree, but I'm going for my bachelors in computer science. been stuck in this religion for 22 years (ever since I was 2). getting out ASAP.

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