Education idiot!

by FrightMare 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • closer2fine

    I have a Bachelor of Science degree.

    I currently make $0.00 an hour as a stay-at-home mom.


    Mean People Produce
    Little Mean People

  • COMF

    A couple of years after leaving the organization, I decided it was time to start straightening out the mess that being a JW had made of my life. I entered college at the age of 37. Majored in computer science, graduated summa cum laude in 1993. Continued studying for another two semesters after that, but my goals got derailed by ugly developments in my personal life.

    From the way you worded your post, it appears that you associate a degree with an education. That's a common mistake. The majority of what we studied in my computer science classes, I already knew from personal study before I started college. Anything we covered in any of my classes, I could have learned more quickly by simply buying the books and reading them.

    The difference that college makes is, you get in on class discussions and labs, and possibly get a more well-rounded grasp of the details. But you don't have to have the degree to be educated. Nor does a degree mean its possessor actually learned anything.

    Education and a degree are not inseparable.


  • COMF

    Anything we covered in any of my classes, I could have learned more quickly by simply buying the books and reading them.

    I take it back. I forgot about algebra, geometry and trig.

    Okay, almost anything. :)


  • larc

    I have a PhD in Industrial/Ogranizational Psychology with a minor in Clinica and expertise in Applied Statisitics. I retired a year ago as a full professor at 100% of pay.

    Tell us about yourself FrightMare.

  • hillary_step

    Hi Mighty Fighty,

    I have an English degree, have disdain for the ‘Three Degrees’, and can to a certain degree spot a wandering Troll.

    What is your point?


  • professor

    My Education: Six degrees in all, including a B.A. from USC, a B.S. from UCLA, an M.A. from SMU, and a Ph.D. from TCU (all achieved in 25 years)
    Areas of Expertise: medicine; dentistry; biology; agriculture; astronomy; marine biology; botany; psychology; physics; law; zoology; chess. Occupation(s): Professor and high school science teacher; noted Boy Scout leader (I was the youngest Eagle Scout in Cleveland) and writer.

  • FrightMare

    I'm a fecund rich bastard that never had the need to go to college, although I would like to. My impetus is money, and if college isn't going to get me any more of it, I'd rather not go that route. I don't think that leaves me in a state of nullibicity, as I have made and continue to make many wise investment decisions. And although I may not be as educated as I could be, I pursue different areas of interest with gusto and passion, as I love to learn.

    Unfortunately, Jw's in the past have equated college to a simulacrum of Satan or something, but in recent years they have modified their thinking. Were they afraid that college unleashed a merciless philippic against the Bible? I'm not sure, but it's nice to see that JW's are becoming as sinecure as other rich mofo's in this country. Equality for all!

  • hillary_step

    lol Prof,

    My Education: Six degrees in all, including a B.A. from USC, a B.S. from UCLA, an M.A. from SMU, and a Ph.D. from TCU (all achieved in 25 years) Areas of Expertise: medicine; dentistry; biology; agriculture; astronomy; marine biology; botany; psychology; physics; law; zoology; chess. Occupation(s): Professor and high school science teacher; noted Boy Scout leader (I was the youngest Eagle Scout in Cleveland) and writer.

    You can blame this disgusting excess of education on the Professor's mother, who for many years gave him his Christmas presents at Easter by mistake. Eventually she realised that as an active JW she should not have been celebrating either festive occasion. The shock of this discovery kick-started a remarkable educational career in her son who went on and on.


  • hillary_step


    I'm a fecund rich bastard

    Do I spot a spot of humility peeking above the other?


  • FrightMare

    Keep it shut!

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