So Smart you become an idiot.

by Sparkplug 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sparkplug

    I read somewhere that each normal person has some genius and some common sense and there's an invisible rope that connects the two. An excess of one or the other stretches that rope.

    Perhaps, Decki, your ex's have broken ropes.


    Fats. Now that is interesting because it is the same with someone who hase a lot of social skills. You have to wonder how they accomplish any tasks that require being thought out.

    Acacian. I have always admired as soon as I saw a glimpse of you and your wifes relationship. Truly beautiful.

    I don't like to class people either...and take it on a one on one basis, but when I refer to things and they look like classifications, I think of it more in descriptive terms. There are so many common things that bind us and yet nobody has just one trait.

    Funny how we can have so many traits and yet it makes us not unique because of the millions of people there are so many that have each of these trait. I think that is what makes us identifiable. But maybe it is like DNA. Nobody has these same traits combined the way we do.

    Can you see where this goose got her intelligence?

  • acadian

    Funny how we can have so many traits and yet it makes us not unique because of the millions of people there are so many that have each of these trait. I think that is what makes us identifiable. But maybe it is like DNA. Nobody has these same traits combined the way we do.

    Can you see where this goose got her intelligence?

    Decki, you are Definitely Unique and don't let anyone tell you differant! Got That?!!! If I guess right as to "where this goose got her intelligence" do I get a prize?... Mike

  • Sparkplug
    If I guess right as to "where this goose got her intelligence" do I get a prize?...

    How about a bowl of my cold salsa topped by saltine crackers that I keep in the fridge? I have no clue why they taste better cold, but I woke up this morning and thought...Hey Salsa with chilled crackers sounds fabulous as a soup.

    I guess that is a UNIQUE prize? You want some?

    Truly if I had not just lost my would think I was pregnant with my freakish cravings I have been having.

    What is up with that. and thanks (I think) for the unique comment!

  • acadian

    How about a bowl of my cold salsa topped by saltine crackers that I keep in the fridge? I have no clue why they taste better cold, but I woke up this morning and thought...Hey Salsa with chilled crackers sounds fabulous as a soup.

    I guess that is a UNIQUE prize? You want some?

    Can you box it up and mail it to me? Salsa soap? Hmmm...I do love salsa...

    and thanks (I think) for the unique comment!

    You think?...c'mom Decki, look at your photograhy!!! And I'm sure the list goes on.... Well I have to get some work done, so you have a Great Day Decki, always love talking to you! Your Friend Mike

  • acadian
    acadian the way, hold the cracker's on that Salsa, they'll probably be soggy by the time they get here...

  • lovelylil

    Yes. I know someone like this. He is a real genius and on the level of a rocket scientist. The guy understands science and mathematics on a level I can only dream about. Yet, socially he is totally inept and disfuctional. His wife has to run the household and do all the care of the children for the guy gets so wrapped up in his own world (in his head) that he cannot even remember that the kids are there! He will literally not feed them or change the babies diaper. And you cannot carry on a conversation with him because he has no people skills at all. I don't know why this gal married the guy. He really would have been better off single. Lilly

  • 5go

    Patton a war genius but sucked at real life thought he did have money.

    I think it's more a experience thing when you devote your life to something you really devote it to it and become and idiot about everything else.

  • J-ex-W

    Have you ever known people that are quite genius? They amaze you with the intelligence they have and yet in everyday life they just do not have the brainpower that god gave a goose.

    I married two of these type of people and I always had to wonder how things like the universe, God, science and quantum physics can be spoken with ease...and yet the simple things absolutely escape them.

    Actually, it's a myth that this a smart-person syndrome. It's more descriptive of a number of potential undiagnosed problems: ADD or ADHD, sleep disorder (delayed sleep phase syndrome, e.g.,--sleep deficit in general), problems with blood sugar regulation, a mood disorder (possibly mild), OCD, schizotypal disorder, an autistic spectrum disorder.... In other words, regardless of intelligence, people can have undiagnosed issues that affect everyday living and decision-making and follow through in a way that is maddening to the people around them (and even themselves, if they recognize it). It can be anywhere from mild to severe.

    And the more intelligent a person is, the later they are likely to be diagnosed--because they have been successful in employing creative coping skills up to now. [And the more frustrating it might be for loved ones who don't understand this, because they SEEM like they should be able to handle everyday, ordinary things...they certainly are intelligent enough.

    Personally, I'm one of those--late life diagnosis of ADHD, primarily inattentive type, which we are just now realizing may really be due to an underlying chronic (and very difficult to treat) sleep disorder (delayed sleep phase syndrome). I can take statistics and trigonometry and understand all of the concepts--I know what I'm supposed to be doing--but I can't balance my checkbook to save my life. I am a master at planning, coordinating, and organizing, but when my sleep or blood sugar is off-kilter, I can leave one appt. and forget where I'm supposed to go next...leave the room and forget what I was going after...etc., etc. It's a constant balancing act to stay on top of that--the sleep/ blood sugar AND the spaciness/ forgetfulness.

    I wasn't kidding on a different thread when I said a friend of mine nicknamed me something to do with my forgetfulness, but I can't remember what it is....

    Plus, I have a highly intelligent friend with bipoar disorder (tends to mania end, seems unusually 'uplifted' most of the time) who is so distractable and disorganized that I had to place a boundary on our friendship that says I will visit with him outside of his [mountain of a mess!!!] home and NOT try to go shopping with him again. I'm distractable enough on my own...I have a hard enough time keeping myself on track--I can't keep track of his tangents on top of my own! And yet, we can have the deepest discussions on a very abstract level.

    So...whomever it is you're noticing this about, watch and see if you notice any of these other things too. And just remember...dumb people can be ADD or bipolar too....

  • SixofNine

    Good post, J-ex-W.

  • Sparkplug

    So...whomever it is you're noticing this about, watch and see if you notice any of these other things too. And just remember...dumb people can be ADD or bipolar too....

    Six...don't be so flattered

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