Using the Gold Mine

by Gregor 11 Replies latest forum suggestions

  • Gregor

    The archives of posts on JWD represents a gold mine of information, personal experiences and intelligent discussions. I think it would be of real benefit, especially to those who cautiously peek in on the site (aka, lurkers), to be able to select from an index of subject matter. There would be a subject reference address for the beginning of those threads that discussed the subject and include some special posts that were of particular quality in the realm of the JWD site. EXAMPLE: One that made an impression on me recently was a post by The TrueOne that appeared on a "Welcome back, Greendawn" thread. This kind of thread title would never lead a casual lurker to TTOs post. I believe he also spammed it onto another thread, which is good. It was a well written piece and I would love for it not to get buried in the mountain of palaver on here. I would index this essay under a heading:

    "How Jehovah's Witnesses can be very appealing"


    It may seem like a daunting task but with all the moderator volunteers in here with their terrific skills for editing plus the ability to ask the posters for suggestions through the whole process I think it could be done without too much muss and fuss. Most importantly, it would add a dimension to JWD that would make it more effective in our common objective to expose the WTS for the ugly cult that it is and to offer help to those who are recovering from the experience..

    (I think ther index should kept to the basic themes of the site. I don't see an index heading for masturbation discussions. Those can be found pretty easily by just surfing the site)

  • IronClaw

    Great Idea for an index. Hope it happens. It could be like our own JWD reasoning index.

    The Claw

  • thetrueone

    Yes, I would have to agree with you Greg, this was something that I have thought was missing too. I think there should be some kind of a protection warning headlined somewhere on the

    main page where new visitors can see and direct their eyes to. I would asume when people are just getting interested in the jw's their going to google jw's at home and walla guess

    what web site pops up first, proably this one and some others. We could make a big and clear picture of what the WTS. is about in a more direct way and be more effective.

  • thetrueone

    by the way Greg the link you posted doesn't work, at least for me

    Here's another posting I did today regarding the inter-net and the jw's, I'll leave it here so you can have a read ....

    The biggest threat right now for the WTS. has to be the information highway which we call the inter-net. Any one that has done a google search on jw's right now can see a

    ton of web sites with information regarding the jw's. They have to be screening these sites because recently they have had their legal department threaten individuals with law suits.

    Since they have the lawers and the money backing them, the people comply and shut down their web sites. Obviously then they see the information threating to their creditability and a

    weakening efect to their power base. It's an unusual situation for them now because in the past if anyone had obtained any information that was detrimental there would have been little means to spread it around or they could be at least DF to shut off the tap as it were. Of course they can't shut off the inter-net and the information about them and this is getting to be very unsettling for them. Their recent tract stating that all false religions are about to colapse has got me wondering if this wasn't an emotional kickback form stuff on the web ? Maybe.......

    They call it theocratic warfare, but in this case it's war for the truth against the supposable truth.

    But don't think these people at headquarters are going to walk away from this power that easily though remember it's a gobal corperation with a billion dollars in assets.

    I do see a weakening in the force in the coming years especially in the north america region with public awareness as it is, will have to wait and see what happens.

    My 2 cents..............

  • greendawn

    It's a good idea and an issue that I see brought up from time to time, obviously it will make the forum a lot more effective. It's a pity there isn't an index facility yet.

  • Gregor

    Sorry I screwed up the link. I had to handwrite it on a piece of scrap paper. As we all know the 'reply' page here is unforgiving if you want to refer back to another screen while writing a response.

  • Gregor

    The post I was using as an example can be found in "Beliefs, Doctrines & Practices" in the thread started by Greendawn called "Why did we (fail) to see the rather obvious signs"

    An index would direct a person to cogent posts directly. Right now a newcomer would have to sift through thousands of posts to learn other viewpoints on a particular part of the JW experience.

  • thetrueone

    Right on dude there should be a " Personal Warnings and Caution " Heading on the front page I will try and forward the idea to the moderaters ....

  • 2050

    I think the most important thing is the search function. That way we can search for any keywords. There is so much good stuff here and I can't find it!!!

  • LittleToe

    Do you mean something similar to "The Best Of..."

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