Who is/ was Norman H. Crowhurst?

by sf 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • VM44

    sKally, Yes, those are the legal cases I found concerning his problems with the IRS.

    The Libertarian article that you found, "Facing Bureaucracy", helps explain how he got into trouble with the IRS, but I think Crowhurst compounded his own problems by submitting to the IRS a tax form will all lines blank except for his signature and then requesting a refund of taxes paid.

    Also not filing any tax form at all for three consecutive years was not a very good idea!

    All to show that it is best to try to avoid the tax man's attention!

    There is a book Norman Crowhurst wrote that I think describes his experience fighting the IRS. It is being sold right now by an online used book store and is listed in their economics section.

    156038 CROWHURST, Norman. VICTORY OVER THE BEAST'S IMAGE. Springdale: Duverus: 1981. 179 pages. Trade paperback. Appendices. Index. Fine. $35.


    Although I would like to read what he wrote, $35 is more than I am willing to pay for this book.

    I wonder who might have a copy of his tract, “Disfellowshipped for Believing the Bible”?


  • abbagail

    Neat guy. I really like him, and I loved the way he wrote and described his Christ-life events, feelings, searchings and wanderings throughout the Christian landscape. I've heard it said (was it Chas. Spurgeon?), "The Loneliness of the Christian"... an article I read within the past few years... Sounds like poor brother Crowhurst got to experience the truth of that first-hand...


    This, especially, stuck out like a sore thumb:

    The Witnesses take the view that there is only one way to show love: to 'witness' by going from house to house. Do that and you have shown love--nothing else matters.

    Amen! He hit the nail on the head with that line. I even wrote the same thing the other day... there is no other "definition" of "love" in the World of the WT except for knocking on doors. And this guy had it figured out decades and decades ago...


    That tract of his also sounds very cool. Some hoarder or collector MUST have a copy somewhere in cyberspace...


    I also like that he was wise to the illegal and fraudulent IRS system... My kind of guy. There is a way to beat them at their own game (and a game it truly is), but it takes a LOT of knowledge and preparation, and a lot of backbone... At least he gave it a good try.


    Here's hoping Crowhurst is in heaven with Jesus and his searchings were not in vain... Sounds like he had a pure heart...


  • VM44

    Another lawsuit! I don't know what this one was about though. --VM44

    Button v. Crowhurst, 698 P.2d 1054, 73 Or.App. 526 (Or. App., 1985)

    Page 1054

    698 P.2d 1054

    73 Or.App. 526

    Button (Myron S.), Button (Jane L.)
    Crowhurst (Norman H.)

    NO. CA A32718

    Court of Appeals of Oregon

    APR 24, 1985


  • VM44

    I found this mentioned about Crowhurst. --VM44

    "Don't forget that Norman Crowhurst was fatally wounded on a bicycle...."

    Source: http://www.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/~reese/joetest/articles/articles_v01_e.html

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