What was the view on hunting in your former congregation?

by zack 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • JWdaughter

    I grew up in the Pacific Northwest. EVERYONE hunts. Ok, my JW uncle did, but after his son committed suicide on a hunting trip, it pretty much ruined that for everyone.

  • zack

    JW Daughter: Sorry to hear about that experience.

  • Gordy

    In our congregation we were told that you could only hunt if it was for food. Fishing for "sport" that is catching fish, weighing etc and throwing back was not allowed.

  • mama1119

    Big time around here. Although, it slowed down a bit when one dub accidently fatally shot another, it was looked down on a bit.

  • RubaDub

    Growing up in the southern NY / CT area ... surprisingly being only an hour from NY City, there were (are) many that hunted and fished. Deer hunting was especially popular (the meat is great!). At least 3 elders are hunters and others fish.

    Rub a Dub

  • Bstndance

    When I was little we spent a couple of years in Arkansas and I think everyone hunted. I know my mom had a few guns. I remember my mom's JW neighbor asking her to come over and shoot the rattlesnakes that would hang out in front of her door. But in CT where I was raised, we were too suburban and hunting was looked down on. Fishing was fine.

  • stillajwexelder

    Loads of brothers and sisters hunt in our circuit - nearly all deer and turkey

  • BlackPearl

    People or animals? My congo got pretty good at hunting us? BP

  • Fangorn

    In most of the congregation I've been in it hasn't been an issue. One congregation was happy enough with fishing but didn't particularly like hunting. I say 'congregation' but that's probably not right, there were a couple of elders that didn't like it, one of whom fished which didn't make any sense to me. I did hear one CO apologize to a circuit full of elders for scheduling a meeting during dear season, he told them all they'd probably shoot a big buck the next weekend. Of course, that would have been illegal.

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