This week's revelation book study

by Mr.X 10 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Mr.X

    Hello all, i havent posted on here in a very loooonnngggg time, but i have been reading alot of the posts, anyhow my life has changed a bit this month....a little fam is all witnesses and my dad is an elder, anyhow ive been living on my own since 19 and i am 25 now, i had to move out cause of the elder thing and me not doing anything with the "truth" this whole time ive been living in apartments and now i want my own my lease was up in jan 1st and i needed a place to stay while i house hunt and save up a bit. So my dad said hey why dont u stay here until your all set again, so i said okay thats nice of ya. So now he wants me to attend the bookstudy because it wont make anyone say hey he shouldnt be living with u.....stupid adults being stumbled by a father looking after his own son....i just dont get it. So i dont wanna make any problems cause i am not evil like that so im gonna go to my first study tomorrow night in about 5 years. Now my reason for posting in this section is that i seen lasts weeks study on here with all the answers, im wondering if someone is gonna post em all again for tomorrow..i would love to print them out and bring em with me, i would put my hand up for every single paragraph and just blow everyone away haha. It would be great cause my area of jw's are all about how many comments u make...some how it makes you more special to comment 15 times. So if i answered 15 times and havent been to a meeting in 5 years, i would make some jaws drop. If someone could post some great comments that i could just memorize i would be very grateful....i know im lazy but after 5 years i really dont wanna read anything like the revelation book. Thanks for anyone's help.

  • lisavegas420
    lisavegas420're gonna get in trouble're gonna get in trouble!!!!

    Welcome. Look forward to your posts.


  • Rooster
    Just answer wrong every time.
  • juni

    Welcome to the forum -

    So you're saying you want cheat notes? Don't forget to underline/highlight your answers in all of the pretty colors so that people can see that you are up on your personal study. Just kidding ya. But it is morbidly true, isn't it?

    Hope you don't have much to save towards the purchase of a house cause me thinks you won't last long at pop's. He has to cover his ass real good or he'll be asked to step down because he's inviting back into his house a "worldly" person who has no hardship case going on.

    I was in for 21 and saw this happen quite a few times.

    Good luck. I mean good fortune.


  • Dismembered

    Greetings Mr.X

    If you decide not to answer, tell them it's because you are as confused as Watchtower. After all this is about the 3rd or 4th time they've revised that extremely boring book. Tell them silence is golden.


  • xjwms

    Hello and Welcome

    I know if I was going to attend the book study.....I would refer to the old revlation book as much as I could.

    Just to see what changes they made.

    its all in the attitude...


  • kristyann

    They're STILL on the Revelation book? Come on! How many months has it been this time?

  • ErEf

    hahahah... you'll just reply once and then fall asleep.

  • avidbiblereader

    Get the older REV books and answer all the new changes with the old thinking, then ask them what happened to that "new light" isn't it light anymore?

    Keep raising your hand and tell them"I just don't get it"

    Play along and have fun


  • cultswatter

    Welcome Mr. X

    I was a jdub for 25 years and have been out for 20 years. People will look at this thread and say how pathetic the dubs really are. You might play along with this to please your elder dad after all he is severely brainwashed!!. Have a good time in playing along with this but be sure to report back here with any tasty tidbits. Another thing that you might want to try is to get ahold of any BOE letters your dad has. BOE means body of elders. All elders get them from time to time and some of these letters are striclty confidential. You are in a unique situation to let the world know what these letters say. Just make an excuse to go into his study and get the letters scanned somehow and then post them on this site. If you need any technical assistance there are several genius computer techs on this site that will help you out. Good luck and happy cult bashing

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