"Time Travel".........What time and place would you go?

by new boy 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • cyrus

    I would get a baseball bat and go to the garen of eden and smack that serpent round the head just as he opened his mouth to speak to eve .then id get me some lovin from the only pefect woman that ever lived told us men are shallow ha ha

  • Blueblades

    I would like to go back to the beginning of it all. Creation, Evolution, mixture of both, Creator, He, She, It etc. To boldly go where no man has gone before at the very beginning of it all.


  • PEC

    I would go into the future. When cancer, heart disease, AIDS and many genetic disease, have been cured. When people can live as long as they care to live and no one is falling for the "Live forever in paradise" JW BS.


  • 5go
    Ill go back to last week with this weeks lottery numbers and I wont worry about coming back to this week. Ill just stay in last week till it become this week and I'm rich.

    Why a week why not a year. oh god that would get me to go, not really

  • new boy
    new boy

    The time of "Alantis"................1900's to 1930's.....Paris france........1940's London during the Blitz

  • Dune

    I'd go back to 1998, the year I got baptized. I'd convince myself not to get baptized and then hand myself a book containing winning lottery numbers along with some other valuable information.

  • Abandoned

    I'd like to go back in time and meet Charles Dickens. I know it's not that far back and with a little research, I could go back there anyway, but I would love to be his friend and see the mind that came up with all these stories that have moved and fascinated me.

  • free2beme

    Going back in time, always sounds all exciting and romantic. In reality though, you would go back in time and see things like this ...

    - A time when soap was not used (Stinky)

    - Indoor plumbing (Yeah right, try public hole in the ground)

    - No toothpaste (Oh what a wonderful smile you have)

    - I feel sick, is there a hospital near by (No, but we can leach you and bleed you to let the demons out)

    ... Time travel, only if I knew for sure it was with a round trip ticket.

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