Age Differences in Relationships – Help!

by noontide 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • lonelysheep

    There's nothing wrong with that--she's grown! Go for it.
    To me, that's a good difference in years.

  • Rooster

    If there is grass on the field play ball!

  • Mulan

    One of my school friends (we still email and see each other 43 years since graduation) married a man 12 years older. They just celebrated 42 years of marriage. They are very happy, very compatible and age was never an issue.

  • new boy
    new boy

    Are you out of your mind? It will never work!,,,,,,,,Just kidding I thought I would say that since no one eles did...........of course it could work........the real problem is what if it doesn't work, how would you feel seeing her everyday at work.........say after she dumps you........or you dump her?

    My Dad is 84 his live in girl friend is 48.........I call him "Mr Lucky"

  • pobthespazz

    Don't worry about that boy, 12 years between me and me old lady (she's younger)

  • Crumpet
    My Dad is 84 his live in girl friend is 48.........I call him "Mr Lucky"


  • Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    My Dad is 84 his live in girl friend is 48.........I call him "Mr Lucky"

    This isn't SO shocking - Hugh Hefner is 80 and his three or whatever girlfriends are either not even 30 or maybe just over 30...

  • seawolf
    This isn't SO shocking - Hugh Hefner is 80 and his three or whatever girlfriends are either not even 30 or maybe just over 30...

    he had seven girlfriends...although he's slowed down now and has three I think.... must be nice

    As to the age difference topic....age is but a number. All the girls I've dated were younger than me by 8 years or so. The funny thing is no one ever said a thing because everyone thought we were the same age.

  • Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    As to the age difference topic....age is but a number. All the girls I've dated were younger than me by 8 years or so. The funny thing is no one ever said a thing because everyone thought we were the same age.

    uh yeah. enough said. lol.

  • RubaDub

    We have about a 10 year difference ...

    Not an issue at all, especially if the older one is in good shape.

    Rub a Dub

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