Faith in God and the Church - Part 2 of 2 The Catholic Faith

by Amazing 63 Replies latest jw friends

  • LittleToe

    Thanks for your thread, Jim. It was an excellent read, as usual.

    When I left the JWs I took the "Reformed" route (I prefer that title to "Protestant"). As you are aware, though many on the Board may not be, the schizm into Protestantism started with a few Priests who desired the church to reform ("Luther" being a good starting point if folks are interested in the history). Unfortunately it ended up in fragmentation after fragmentation in the more staunch geographic areas. So many theologians got tied in knots and simply went far too far.

    There is an enormous amount of commonality between the various Christian denominaions, and if the apostles creed is read from a "universal" instead of denominational slant then most all agree with it. That should be telling in its own right. THeir view of the Holy Spirit is one excellent example.

    Unfortunately, as exJWs from an extremely Protestant tradition (and I intentionally use that phrase at this point). we have a habit of picking things apart to the point of being left with unusable gloopy stuff in our fingers. Such seems to be exemplified in some of the banter on this thread. We miss the point by diving straight into the minutea, without just looking at the big picture and seeing if it is a beautiful landscape.

    I have thoroughly enjoyed learning about the Roman, Irish and Orthodox Catholic church. I'm astounded by the wealth of their ritual and the pragmatism of many of her attitudes. Sure she has a few barnacles, but she's still as seaworthy as the day she set sail. There are Christians and non-Christians lining her bows, there are the pious and the hypocrit, but there's little doubt about the direction she attempts to steer.

    So while I remain true to some of the original reformist ideals, I also acknowledge the "catholic" church. Hugs to ya, bro.

  • Amazing

    Hi Little Toe,

    Thanks, and excellent comments. In contrast to Rome, the Eastern Orthodox do not have the "Reformation" issue on their side ... and that is because I believe they held to some of the original practices that were a great part of the Church. Although the Orthodox did get into some persecuting of some groups. They have no use for JWs. But then, neither do ex-JWs.

    I am going to try to respond to Mike S. (A Christian) in a while. For some strange reason, once in a while, when I try to cut and paste some posts to reply, I get these error messages that destroy my posts. This time I saved it first, but it still does not paste over. So, I will have to hand type everything into my reply. When I comment on this thread, I hope that you will read my reply to Mike S.

    Jim Whitney

  • Amazing

    Mike S. (A Christian),

    I'll tell you where I think you have gone wrong. ... To begin with, just because the "Orthodox" church and the "Roman Catholic" church can trace their histories back to the time of the apostles does not prove that either of these religious organizations is the same religious organization that was established by the apostles. Neither does it prove that either of these religious organizations would be approved of by the apostles, if the apostles were alive today.

    Why do people feel that they need to tell me where I went wrong? This posting was initiated to answer a simple question as to why I reconciled with the Catholic Church. Your claim as to what the apostles would do, or that the Church is all that much different today, has no basis in fact. You have no way of knowing what the Apostles would or would not do. I myself never claimed anything about what the Apostles would approve of today.

    For instance, the Watchtower Society, as it exists today, can certainly trace its history back to the Watchtower Society that was established many years ago by Charles Russell. But is there any doubt that if Charles Russell was alive today that he would not even recognize today's Watchtower Society as being the same religious organization that he founded? And is there any doubt that if Charles Russell was alive today that he would view today's Watchtower Society as being an unholy perversion of the religious organization that he established?

    There is no comparison between the Catholic Church and the Watchtower Society. The Watchtower Society started out as a publishing business, and today it is a fraud masking as a religion. It is barely 120 years old compared to nearly 2,000 years of Catholic history. You nor I can say what Chuck Russell would do today ... I could as easily say that he would marvel at the growth, money, and power of the Society. Regardless, it is the Church-Business that Chuck built, and not the Church that Christ built.

    As you know, Christ prophesied that after He left this earth Satan would sew seeds of corruption throughout His church. (Matt. 13) And as you also know, the apostle Paul prophesied that after the apostles died, "Savage wolves will come in among you and will not spare the flock." In fact, Paul said that the truly Christian religious order that he and his fellow apostles had worked so hard to establish would very soon become corrupted. For he told his contemporaries, "Even from your own number men will arise and distort the truth in order to draw away disciples after them. " (Acts 20:29,30) ... There is little doubt that Paul was referring to a coming corruption of organized Christianity in 2 Thess. chapter 2. There he said that a "lawless" "apostacy" was "already at work" within the true Christian religious order which the apostles had established. That being the case, the fact that a modern day church organization can trace its origins back to the days of the apostles does nothing to prove that it is now an uncorrupted continuation of the truly Christian religious order established by the apostles, for true Christian doctrines, traditions, and practices were already beginning to be corrupted during the lives of the apostles.

    The Lord Jesus Christ promised that he would be with His Church all days unto the end of the world, and that the Gates of Hell would not prevail over it. Jesus said that after he left, the Holy Spirit would come to teach, comfort and guide his followers. Thus, while apostasy would be around, the Church would continue to fight it and withstand the assult. The writings of the early Church Fathers make it plain that they were indeed fighting heresy. So, while you are correct in one part, you have not consider the promise by Jesus and what history actually proves. Did Jesus lie or tell the truth? Did the Holy Spirit fall down on the job so badly that by the 15th through the 20th centuries, humans would have to figure out a way to rescue it? Can the Holy Spirit fail?

    Many of the teachings, practices, and traditions of the religious organizations which you seem to now be recommending to us here differ so greatly from the teachings of Christ and His apostles that I find it hard to believe that any well informed person of sound mind can believe that such an organization might now constitute "Christ's true church." ( I hope it's not necessary to actually innumerate all of these here for you. Many of the Roman Catholic Church's false teachings were discussed at length not too long ago on Channel C.)
    I have recommend nothing, so I cannot "seem" to be recommending anything. I posted an answer to a question I commonly get. I clearly stated at the outset that I am not preaching and that those days are over.

    The difference is created in the minds of those who want a difference to exist ... it is called your interpretation and opinion. So the effort to employ intellectual intimidation and ad hominem to say that you are surprised that "any well informed person of sound mind can believe such" is a false argument. Anyone could reverse the same irrelevant argument on the position you put forth and say that about being a non-Catholic. It is a non-argument with no substance.

    As for Channel C, the open hositlity and refusal to have civil an fair discussion on that topic led to many be removed from the board under accusation that they were trying to convert people to Catholicism. The open bias and hissy fits by leading members served to shut down open and fair discussion on that topic. Further, the board owner does not want Catholicism discussed on her board. So, I hardly consider anything discussed on Channel C as being definitive and absolute.

    ... Catholic church is now nor was ever Christ's true church after reading Paul's prophecy in 1 Timothy 4 is beyond me. There Paul wrote, "The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons. Such teachings come through hypocritical liars, whose consciences have been seared as with a hot iron.They will forbid people to marry and order them to abstain from certain foods." In my opinion, only the spiritually blind can fail to see this prophecy for what it was.
    I never stated that the RCC is the only true Church. Rather the Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church are the historic Church. These are historical facts. I merely reconciled with it. I stated clearly, in both parts of this thread, that Christians exist in all denominations. The Catholic Church itself recognizes this fact. I find it curious that when a person says that they have reconciled with the Church, that now the concern with the “True” Church comes out. Why? I never suggested such a thing. Me thinks thou does protest too much.

    I do not agree with all of what Rome teaches. So what? What Catholic does agree with everything? As for married Priests, Orthodox Priests can be married, and at one time so could Roman Priests. They are not forbidden to be married. Married men just cannot become priests in the Catholic Church unless they are converting over from the Orthodox or Angelican Churches. What the Apostle Paul was talking about was forbidding marriage altogether. As for abstaining from certain foods, Catholics can eat anything they want. They often do abstain from some foods on certain days as an act of commemorating a spiritual event. So what? This nonsense arguement came right from the Watchtower Society. Yet it is the Society that forbids the eating of certain foods, like birthday cake, meats with blood in them, etc. Why do you employ old and tired Watchtower arguements that are not factual? The Apostle Paul was not talking about abstaining from certain foods on certain days, but rather the prohibition of those things that a Christian could eat in good conscience.

    Christians who for some reason find it necessary to identify some obviously highly corrupted church organization as "Christ's true church" and bow to their "Holy Fathers" remind me of the Israelites who insisted that they be given a visible human king. (1 Sam. 8) For some reason they found themselves unable to serve only the invisible King of Heaven, aided by His words found in the scriptures He had given them. Unlike those Israelites, the invisible King of Heaven, Jesus Christ, is the only king I need. Since leaving the JWs and becoming a Christian I have attended several churches. None of them has been anywhere near perfect. But by doing so I have been able to help my fellow Christians and they have been able to help me. In other words, I have been able to act as part of Christ's body, which has always been His only "true church."

    Your opening sentence is a shear red herring. Christians do not find it necessary to identify a highly corrupted organization as Christ's true church. How obsurd! I certainly do not look for such a thing. Jesus Christ himself is the "truth" the "Way" and the "Life." I have merely decided to associate with the Catholic Church because of its moderate views, its historic connection to the early Church, and its focus on love and ministering to others. The Catholic and Orthodox Churches have carried forward the early traditions handed down by the Apostles, and they have a continued line of authority. The Church is not a "king" as you imply. You are correct, only Jesus Christ is the King. As a CAtholic I too am part of Christ's body and I pointed out that Christians in other denominations do so was well. Where is the argument?

    Further, your opening sentence in the above paragraph is not intellectually honest. I do not bow to any Holy Father as any substitute for Christ or need for a visible King. I have never bowed to the Pope in my life. I respct his position as Bishop of the historic Holy See of Rome. My faith is in Christ alone. As Pope John Paul II once stated, "It is all about Jesus Christ." That is all I need. I do not need to argue with you about how wrong your Church is ... I don't care. If you believe in Jesus and find a hill top to pray, that is fine ... and if I ever see you there, I will stop and pray with you. But I will not shun and disdain my fellow Catholic and Orthodox and various Protestants simply because they meet in a defined denomination.

    Jim, over the years I have followed your spiritual odyssey. I am now left wondering how it is that you now find yourself where you are. Maybe it is a result of your willingness to depart from the simple teachings of Christ. This is evidenced by your now praying to the Holy Spirit, while Christ instructed His followers to "Pray this way... our Father." For Christians to pray to Christ is understandable, since the Bible tells us that Christians would recognize Christ as their Father and call Him by that name. (Isa. 9:6) But prayer to the Holy Spirit was not taught by Christ or His apostles. Of course, neither was praying to long dead Catholic "Saints." I don't know if you are doing that yet. But if you are now looking to the Roman Catholic church for spiritual guidance you will probably be doing so soon.

    Depart from the teachings of Christ? Surely you are kidding! This really comes across as pompous arrogance ... so in effect you are saying that you have te knowledge, the right, the authority and the right understanding of the scriptures, and anyone who dares reconcile with the Catholic Church is leaving the teachings of Christ ... because Mike S. says so. So, in effect, you raise yourself up a king to determine the conscience of other Christians, in this case Roman Catholics. I make no such judgments of any Christian. If I disagree with them, I do not accuse them of leaving Christ. There are Christians among the JWs.

    Additionally, I do not pray to saints, but I do not judge those that do. However, this practice dates back to the very early Church and various forms of the Apostles Creed. So, it is hardly without precedant, and there is a logical basis for so doing ... maybe this deserves a post of its own.

    As for prayer to the Holy Spirit, this calls for a separate posting because of ignorance and misunderstanding that this issue has generated. It is too much to deal with in this already long response to a long comment. There is a basis for praying to the Holy Spirit, which my new posting will detail. Jesus model prayer is one model. However, Jesus never once stated that we could "pray" to him. By doing so, you now have a dual God of a Father and a Son ... you believe in a Duality and not a Trinity ... wow! a distinction without a difference. Come on! We pray to Jesus because of the inferences and interpretations we draw from scripture and tradition. Likewise, there are inferences that suggest prayer to the Holy Spirit is acceptable and even necessary. As I said, I will start a new post on this topic, perhaps by tomorrow.

    I can only suggest that you begin sticking closely to the teaching of Christ and His apostles as recorded in the scriptures, and stop paying so much attention to the teachings and traditions of corrupted, man made, religious organizations.

    I have not left the teachings of the Apostles ... and I have not ignored the Tradition of the Apostles either ... a tradition that is specifically referred to in scripture ... a tradition that both Rome and Constantinople have carefuly guarded for nearly 2,000 years. So, you are saying in effect that I should do what? Listen to Mike S. and follow his pure and perfect teachings? No, you are just a corrupt man. Should I follow my own teachings and be my own Church? Am I also not just a corrupt man like you or anyone else?

    Jesus Christ clearly stated in John 14 that the Holy Spirit would teach and comfort us (the Church) ... it is the Holy Spirit that is in charge until Jesus returns ... so, is the Holy Spirit leading me more than say a fellow Christian? More and a Protestant Pastor? More than a Priest? More than the Pope of Rome? More than the Patriarch of the Orthodox? You make no case for anything ... you only attempt to tear down what I accept. Who or what does the Holy Spirit lead? Or in your case the you consider the Holy Spirit to be a non-person and inanimate divine evergy-like power called holy spirit. That's your right and I make no judgments of you for it. I believe you are in error, but I would not accuse you of leaving Christ's teachings. Ahven't we all had enough of judgmentalism for one lifetime?

    Christ's true church does not exist today in the form of any religious organization. Rather you will find Christ's true church wherever two or three of His followers are gathered together in His name, in church buildings owned by all Christian denominations and in places which have no connection to any of them.

    Catholics are universal Christians and the Catholic Church is the universal Church. They acept their brothers and sisters in other denominations. Catholics simply have no argument about this and no need to run around and tell everyone that their brand of non-Catholic Christianity is wrong. Catholics mind their own business. Catholics merely carry on the teachings and traditions that have withstood the test of nearly 2,000 years ... inspite of others and inspite of themselves. Catholics have done wrong and bongheaded things ... Catholics have done immoral and hurtful things ... and so have any other Christians ... Catholics are sinners ... so, who on this board, including you Mike, is without sin? If so, then let them start casting stones.

    Thanks for your comments and interest in my thread. I will post on the two things I said I would, so I lok forward to your response ... but I hope that you will take a different, more moderate tone.

    Jim Whitney

  • a Christian
    a Christian


    Just in case it was the overly large font I accidentally used in my post that was causing you problems, I tried to edit my post to standard size print. But those same error messages you were getting now prevent me from doing so.

    I look forward to reading your reply. You say you didn't intend for this thread to turn into a debate defending the Catholic church along with all of its highy questionable history, teachings, and practices. But I guess you asked for it. Others here have also made valid critisisms of your new found beliefs ( as well represented by Abaddon's 'frying pan into the fire' comment ). I'm sure they would all also like to read your responses to their comments. But for you to respond to all present and future Catholic critisisms that a thread such as this is sure to generate would almost certainly take far more time than you have to spend. That being the case, you may want to think twice before starting another such thread. For as they say, "If you can't take the heat stay out of the kitchen."

    I'm certainly glad I'm not in the position where I ever have to defend any religious organization. Of course, Jesus Christ, who was totally without sin, needs no defense. And His apostles certainly need very little. After that, however, even Clarence Darrow and F. Lee Baily would almost certainly advise a client as guilty as yours to "Cop a plea." : )


  • Amazing

    Mike S.,

    You will see that I responded in full just above your post. I asked for nothing. I made clear statements that I am not in the preaching business, which includes the defending business. It is the attitude of those who feel that they must judge and then condemn and then attack. My Catholic views are not "New Found." If you read my post, you will see that I was raised Roman Catholic, taught by Dominicans and Franciscans, and that I considered being a Priest.

    The attacks are based on ignorance and lack of good historical knowledge ... mostly old and tired Watchtower-style claims and arguments. I will make two posts to clear up the issue of the Holy Spirit and the Bible.

    Thanks, and I will check to see if you have any response to my above reply to your large font post ... as I was finally able to get it to post.

    Jim Whitney

  • a Christian
    a Christian

    Hi Jim, You wrote: Your claim as to what the apostles would do, or that the Church is all that much different today, has no basis in fact. You have no way of knowing what the Apostles would or would not do. I never said I did "know" what the Apostles would or would not do. I simply said that "Just because the 'Orthodox' church and the 'Roman Catholic' church can trace their histories back to the time of the apostles does not prove that either of these religious organizations is the same religious organization that was established by the apostles. Neither does it prove that either of these religious organizations would be approved of by the apostles, if the apostles were alive today."

    You wrote: I myself never claimed anything about what the Apostles would approve of today.

    You certainly implied such. Correct me where I am wrong. You maintain that the vast majority of the teachings and practices of the "Orthodox" and "Roman Catholic" churches were established by the apostles and have been passed down since the time of the apostles in a largely uncorrupted fashion. If that is the case, then certainly the apostles, if alive today would approve of the vast majority of the teachings and practices of today's "Orthodox" and "Roman Catholic" churches.

    You wrote: There is no comparison between the Catholic Church and the Watchtower Society.

    I dare say that the vast majority of this board's readers will disagree with that statement. You wrote: The Watchtower Society started out as a publishing business, and today it is a fraud masking as a religion. Jim, are you really unaware of the fact that many people here and elsewhere see the Catholic Church no differently? They view it as nothing more than a very successful money making enterprise which has long masqueraded as "Christ's true Church." A business enterprise which was started by a bunch of men who enjoyed being thought of as something special by others and who also enjoyed exercising power over the lives those people, while using their self appointed "special" standing with God as a licence to take those people's money. You say: "There is no comparison between the Catholic Church and the Watchtower Society."? Are you serious? If you are, you are truly "Amazing"! You wrote: It is barely 120 years old compared to nearly 2,000 years of Catholic history. To put it bluntly, a whore is a whore regardless of her age. You wrote: The Lord Jesus Christ promised that he would be with His Church all days unto the end of the world, and that the Gates of Hell would not prevail over it. As I and others in this thread have pointed out to you, and as I think you yourself have acknowledged, Christ's church is His entire body of believers worldwide. Christ's church has never been a religious organization. You asked: Did the Holy Spirit fall down on the job so badly that by the 15th through the 20th centuries, humans would have to figure out a way to rescue it? Can the Holy Spirit fail? No, the Holy Spirit did not fail. The Holy Spirit has always preserved Christ's church. From the time of the apostles, Christ's church ( people who believe that Jesus Christ's death paid the price for their sins and who have been moved by the Holy Spirit to accept Christ as their Lord ) has always had a very large number of members. However, that does not change the fact that Christ and His apostles prophesied that an apostasy would come and that it came. You and I only differ as to its size. You seem to believe the apostasy was relatively small and largely unsuccessful. I say that it was quite large and very successful - in corrupting the peripheral teachings and practices of Christianity. By the way, I do not believe that the apostasy ended with the Protestant Reformation. Certainly not. Many Protestant churches today are just as full of corruption as their "Mother" Orthodox and Roman Catholic churches. Though, thankfully, the Reformation did help bring an end to some of the especially egregious practices of the Roman Catholic Church, such as the selling of "Indulgences" (licences granting people official permission by the Church to commit sin).

    You wrote: I have recommended nothing, so I cannot "seem" to be recommending anything. I posted an answer to a question I commonly get. I clearly stated at the outset that I am not preaching and that those days are over. You refer to the Roman Catholic Church as "the historic Church, continuing the Apostolic Tradition as no other can claim." You say, " She ... has renounced her wrongs and she continues to do what she has otherwise always done ... be the holy catholic church." That sounds like a recommendation to me. You call her "holy." While many here and elsewhere see her as being very far from "holy." You say she has been faithfully "continuing the Apostolic Tradition." What traditions are those? Siting on thrones, wearing purple robes and big pointy hats, having people kiss their feet, and calling them "Most Holy Father," when Jesus told His apostles to "call no man on earth you Father, for your Father is one, the heavenly one"? You wrote: I hardly consider anything discussed on Channel C as being definitive and absolute. I was not recommending "Channel C." I too was banned from that board, I think partly for taking issue with the way the Catholic controversy was handled. I thought Catholic issues should have been allowed to be freely discussed. I just was pointing out that I did not think it was necessary to debate Catholic doctrine with you, as that has all been done before, including not too long ago on Channel C. You wrote: I never stated that the RCC is the only true Church. You may not have stated that. But by your here serving as her apologist, while we all know she makes that claim whether you are willing to admit she does so or not, you are in effect giving credence to that claim. You wrote: the Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church are the historic Church. These are historical facts. "Historic"? What does that mean? Old? There is no debating that the Catholic church organization and the Orthodox church organization have been around longer than any Protestant church organization. But as I said earlier. An old whore is still a whore. Christ and His apostles prophesied that an apostasy was coming. Paul said the seeds of it ware already taking root while the apostles were still on this earth. So just because the Catholic and Orthodox churches are old, even if you can date their existence to the time of the apostles or very shortly thereafter, does not do anything to prove they are not apostate religious organizations. You wrote: What the Apostle Paul [in 1 Tim. 4:1-5] was talking about was forbidding marriage altogether. Oh, really? Earlier you didn't seem to like it when you thought I was claiming to know what the apostles thought or might think. The Catholic Church forbids its priests to marry. Because they do, in my opinion, and in the opinion of millions of Protestants, not just JWs, Paul was here prophesying about the Catholic Church. I doubt Paul would have made an important prophecy about some tiny sect that existed ages ago for only a few years which forbid marriage altogether. You wrote: As for abstaining from certain foods, Catholics can eat anything they want. And how long has that been so? For how many centuries were Catholics forbidden to eat meat on Fridays? Y ou wrote: The Catholic and Orthodox Churches have carried forward the early traditions handed down by the Apostles ... According to who? The Catholic and Orthodox Churches tell us that many of their traditions, teachings, and practices which are nowhere recorded in the Scriptures were handed down to early "Church Fathers" by the apostles. But when those traditions, teachings, and practices conflict with the clear teachings of Scripture, isn't it more reasonable to believe that those traditions, teachings, and practices claimed to have been handed down to early "Church Fathers" by the apostles were actually the creations of those early "Church Fathers"? I think so. You wrote: and they have a continued line of authority. Again I ask, according to who? The Catholic doctrine of apostolic succession is a false doctrine. If you believe it is a true doctrine then you had better stop disagreeing so much with the teachings of the Catholic Church. Because if apostolic succession is not a false doctrine you are now rejecting the authority of the apostles. You wrote: Further, your opening sentence in the above paragraph is not intellectually honest. I do not bow to any Holy Father as any substitute for Christ or need for a visible King. I have never bowed to the Pope in my life. Maybe you have not. But how many millions of Catholics have over the centuries. And has any Pope ever told them to "Stand up. I am only a man," as did Peter (supposedly the first Catholic Pope) in similar circumstances? (Acts 10:26) You wrote: This really comes across as pompous arrogance ... so in effect you are saying that you have the knowledge, the right, the authority and the right understanding of the scriptures, and anyone who dares reconcile with the Catholic Church is leaving the teachings of Christ ... because Mike S. says so. ... So, in effect, you raise yourself up a king to determine the conscience of other Christians, in this case Roman Catholics. I doubt anyone else here understood my words to you in that way. I gave you my opinion as you gave us yours. If I saw one of my Christian brothers going back to the JWs I would be concerned with his spiritual well being and would almost certainly out of my love for him strongly advise him against such a move. I view your return to what I and many others here consider to be a very similar spiritually harmful organization the same way. You wrote: Additionally, I do not pray to saints, but I do not judge those that do. However, this practice dates back to the very early Church ... Yes it does, and to an apostasy that, as Paul told us, had already begun in "the very early Church."

    You wrote: You believe in a Duality and not a Trinity. You are wrong. I believe in the Trinity. One God in three persons. Co-equal. Co-eternal. Co-powerful. But a Trinity where not all have the same position. The Bible indicates that both Christ's Father and His Son, who is also our Father, receive our prayers. But it does not indicate that that is the role of the Holy Spirit. As Stephen laid dying he prayed, "Lord Jesus, receive my spirit." Thus we have scriptural precedent for praying to Jesus. You speak of "inferences and interpretations we draw from scripture and tradition." As you have gathered, I have no respect for Catholic "tradition," as I highly doubt that most Catholic traditions were handed down to their Church's "Fathers" by the apostles, as they claim. You speak of, "the Tradition of the Apostles, ... a tradition that is specifically referred to in scripture ... a tradition that both Rome and Constantinople have carefully guarded for nearly 2,000 years." Or so they say. However, you have no proof that the "traditions" referred to in Scripture by the apostles are the any of the same traditions which now exist in Orthodox and Catholic Churches. As I said earlier, since many of those traditions conflict with the clear teachings of Scripture, to me it seems more reasonable to believe that Catholic traditions claimed to have been handed down to early "Church Fathers" by the apostles were actually the creations of those early "Church Fathers." You wrote: So, you are saying in effect that I should do what? Listen to Mike S. and follow his pure and perfect teachings? No, you are just a corrupt man. Should I follow my own teachings and be my own Church? Am I also not just a corrupt man like you or anyone else? No, I am saying you should follow Christ. I don't get it. Why is that so difficult? If you can't understand some of Christ's teachings (though I don't see that any of them are "rocket science" and you seem like a pretty intelligent man) why do you think that some Catholic Church leader's opinion of what Christ meant is any more valid than your own opinion? I guess it must be because your Church organization has been around since very shortly after the apostles died and because your Church's leaders claim to have been given your Church's teachings and traditions by the apostles and to have also been given their authority and the authority to pass that same authority, supposedly given to them, down to others. Jim, plain and simple, I believe you have been sold "a bill of goods."

    You wrote: Jesus Christ clearly stated in John 14 that the Holy Spirit would teach and comfort us (the Church) ... it is the Holy Spirit that is in charge until Jesus returns. Agreed. You wrote: You make no case for anything ... you only attempt to tear down what I accept. I don't think that is the case. I'm sorry you see things that way. You asked: Who or what does the Holy Spirit lead? Every single member of Christ's body. Does that mean that we all understand every passage of Scripture in the same way? No, just the really important ones. As the apostle John told us in 1 John 2:27 "But you have received the Holy Spirit, and he lives within you, so you don’t need anyone to teach you what is true. For the Spirit teaches you everything you need to know." (NLT) You wrote: Or in your case you consider the Holy Spirit to be a non-person and inanimate divine energy-like power called holy spirit. What gives you that idea? That's JW hogwash. It is not my understanding and I have no idea why you believe that it is. Christian love, Mike

  • LittleToe

    While I accept some of your objections I can understand why Jim viewed your post in the way that he did. He's only really posted a religious testimony, rather than an apologetic. You do appear to be taking a very Protestant view of the "church", picking on details rather than enjoying the spirit of love and ecumenism.

    You are wrong. I believe in the Trinity. Co-equal. Co-eternal. Co-powerful. But a Trinity where not all have the same position.

    Do you mean They each hold their own peculiar offices? I wouldn't find this use of the word "position" to be theologically sound. There's a good reason why the Reformed churches continued to hold to the same doctrine as the Roman Catholic Church touching the Trinity. But then I'm a Moderate Calvinist, so what do I know

    Just as a sidebar: you can clear your post of formatting and return it to the standard font by highlighting all the text in your post (CTRL + A) and clicking on the icon that looks like an Eraser on the "Post" toolbar (between the Clipboard and the Paperclip). For some reason the font you're using reminds me of the one the WTS uses for letters to Bodies of Elders

  • RAF
    Mike : (just read what's in red if you are not interested in details)

    You wrote: So, you are saying in effect that I should do what? Listen to Mike S. and follow his pure and perfect teachings? No, you are just a corrupt man. Should I follow my own teachings and be my own Church? Am I also not just a corrupt man like you or anyone else?

    No, I am saying you should follow Christ. I don't get it. Why is that so difficult? If you can't understand some of Christ's teachings (though I don't see that any of them are "rocket science" and you seem like a pretty intelligent man) why do you think that some Catholic Church leader's opinion of what Christ meant is any more valid than your own opinion? I guess it must be because your Church organization has been around since very shortly after the apostles died and because your Church's leaders claim to have been given your Church's teachings and traditions by the apostles and to have also been given their authority and the authority to pass that same authority, supposedly given to them, down to others. Jim, plain and simple, I believe you have been sold "a bill of goods."

    You asked: Who or what does the Holy Spirit lead?
    Every single member of Christ's body. Does that mean that we all understand every passage of Scripture in the same way? No, just the really important ones. As the apostle John told us in 1 John 2:27 "But you have received the Holy Spirit, and he lives within you, so you don’t need anyone to teach you what is true. For the Spirit teaches you everything you need to know." (NLT)

    that was just to emphase ...
    thank youMike !!!

  • a Christian
    a Christian

    Little Toe,

    You wrote: You do appear to be taking a very Protestant view of the "church", picking on details rather than enjoying the spirit of love and ecumenism.

    Well maybe Simon, in the spirit of love and ecumenism, should shut down this board. For its primary purpose seems to be to point out the errors of men who most people here believe are falsely claiming to speak for God, after they say they were given by Him authority over all His possessions on earth.

    When a JW comes on this board defending such malarkey, even if they say that they are just posting their "religious testimony" , they can expect to be "set straight" from many of this board's participants. And a Catholic posting his "religious testimony" supporting the claims of what most folks here consider to be a very similar organization in many ways should expect to be treated no differently.

    So far as the Holy Spirit having a different position, or serving a different role ("position" may have been a bad choice of words), within the Godhead, I don't know of anyone who would disagree with that. Type in the words "Holy Spirit" and "role" into a Google search to find a ton of articles on the subject matter.

    Font now changed to a "non-WTB&TS" font. : )


  • LittleToe

    Mike:I think that the difference, when talking about this Board, is that this is a specific forum for exJWs of all religious and political persuasions, rather than a place of worship. When it comes specifically to Christians, however, I'm inclined towards Ecumenism. I confess that it's a personal preference, though, and accept that others may not agree.

    "Role" is a reasonable substitute (I don't want to be too picky, either), though "office" seems more accurate in Scottish Theological circles. I agree entirely. Each Person has their own role to play, just as can be found in any team of equals, and I think you'll find that Jim agrees with that. I don't need to go to Google for it, as I have any one of a few dozen theological texts on my shelves that would confirm that position

    Thanks for the font change. It does make it easier to read when everyone is using something similar

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