i take some C.O. for a hour and half ride

by johnny cip 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • SirNose586

    Looks like we have an MC here! (MC Abandoned)

    Thanks for your story, Johnny. You backed him into a corner. My offer still stands to edit your stories and make them easier on the eyes to read. I've already done that with your story about the 6 sisters who were out pioneering.

  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    Sir nose; your a welcome to fix my writing /typing abilities. or my plain lazy ness. this overseer will be talking to me soon. i plain to drag him into the mud again. i'm going to hang him on the generation of 1914. till he runs out the door. john

  • SirNose586
    Sir nose; your a welcome to fix my writing /typing abilities. or my plain lazy ness. this overseer will be talking to me soon. i plain to drag him into the mud again. i'm going to hang him on the generation of 1914. till he runs out the door. john

    Thank you sir. It'll give me something worthwhile to do this afternoon. I look forward to your continued adventures.

  • Billzfan23

    This is the most mindless and ridiculous post I have ever read here at JWD.... But that being said... - IT IS WILDLY ENTERTAINING!

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