Ron Frye's book on Elder Confidentiality

by Confession 33 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Confession

    I'm still making my way through what is an excellent book by Ron Frye, former JW and C.O. I found one of his comments interesting. On page 68 he speaks affectionately of his wife Mavis...

    "I especially depended on her because she was observant and discerning. She often saw things that I would miss. I also felt comfortable asking her opinion about a particular matter or situation to get feedback, knowing I could trust her confidentiality."

    Former elders, did you sometimes do this?

  • UnConfused

    I didn't, but then again I didn't know Mavis........nor did I ask my wife

  • codeblue

    Where can we buy this book?

  • Confession

    Codeblue and others, go here to find out how to order...

  • metaspy

    I am not an Elder, but I did know of Elders in my previous congregation that would do that. The reason I know this - their wives did not have confidentiality. Hence, whatever you told him became public knowledge regardless of how confidential it WAS.

  • willyloman

    Former elders, did you sometimes do this?

    If you have a marriage that's a partnership, of course you do this. You'd be a fool not to consult with your other half.

    If you have a wife doesn't understand the meaning of "confidential," you have a serious problem. Most elders fell into this category.

  • mouthy

    their wives did not have confidentiality. Hence, whatever you told him became public knowledge regardless of how confidential it WAS.

    YOU must have had MY elder in your congregation


    I knew of many elders that not only told their wives, but their good friends, like me, confidential information. I finally asked not to be told anymore...there were some sick things going on! I firmly believe that the main problem with confidential information leaking out was due not to elders wives, but to elders themselves. I couldn't believe how much they would divulge among the congregation members. (Let's don't put the blame on women gossiped much more than any of my female friends, and they had a ton of stories to tell!)


  • Gregor

    Never. This quote from Rons book does not indicate the nature of the things he confided in his wife. If it was a judicial matter involving a cong. members misconduct then he was wrong to discuss it with her. Period. End of discussion. If he couldn't arrive at a decision without input from his wife he didn't belong in the position.

    I know Ron and have the greatest admiration of his dedication and ability. I can't believe he would share committee matters with his wife. Was he possibly referring to more general org. matters?

  • Gregor

    I know of nothing but bad things happening when elders shared things with their wives, buddies, or whoever, the confidential matters they were entrusted with. Dirty pool. It's all a part of what's wrong with the WTS. No justification for it.

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