Is this perfunctory service?

by Billzfan23 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • Billzfan23

    Does this sound hypocritical, or is this just the rant of a fader who is progressively drifting away?

    "I would miss meeting the group for service each Saturday, then stopping to fill up on gas, doing a couple of calls which amounts to cruising to a couple of houses where I know there is nobody home, followed by stopping for breakfast with the family before calling it a day a few minutes before 12... Say it ain't so!!!!"
  • lovelylil

    Good point.

    The problem with the WT is that they do not view the JW's as individuals in the body of Christ. In the body, there are people appointed by Holy Spirit for different functions. Only some are Apostles, teachers, prophets, evangelizers, etc. (1 Corinthians 12:28). They make everyone be evangelizers when this is not thier individual gift bestowed upon them by the Spirit.

    I happened to love the Ministry when I was a witness, had hundreds of wonderful experiences, and used the Bible in my ministry. While others struggled, hated it, and thought of themselves as WT magazine peddlers.

    By forcing all to evangelize, the WT has made a whole organization filled with people in "perfunctory" service to God! I brought this very point out in my 9 page DA letter. But since this is a spiritual concept, it was totally lost on the "brothers".

    The WT does not truly believe Christ is in charge of their preaching work. For if they did, they would allow Christ to empower people (individuals) with the Holy Spirit to carry out the work and trust that it will get done adequately. Peace, Lilly

  • crazyblondeb

    Sounds like several active JWs I know of!!

  • JWdaughter

    I think it is a comical take on the reality of many of those who 'go out in service'. Many who are faders do try to get by that way-but so do many fakers who have different motivations for looking like an active JW-but don't want to do the work.

  • sir82

    Hey, I know of several JW males who bumped up their monthly field service reports to a level "acceptable enough" to be an MS, by doing just that!

    Still looking for the scripture that lists "10 hours per month" as one of the requirements to be named as a ministerial servant...

  • OnTheWayOut

    I read the post on the other thread, forgetting who actually posted it.

    Are we sarcastically looking at someone's sarcasm, or do you
    truly not get it?

    Just in case you don't get it, (I doubt it's that, but I am on a roll)
    the poster refers to the wasted morning where nothing gets accomplished,
    so what would be the big deal if they cancelled it? The only real purpose
    to the ministry in this case- is to make the JW feel like they did something
    valuable for their neighbors, even though they did nothing.

  • blondie

    30 years ago:

    *** km 1/76 p. 6 Speaking with the "Same Line of Thought" About Our Service to God ***

    Nor is it primarily the number of hours that one may spend in sharing the good news with others that qualifies one for such congregational responsibilities as being elders or ministerial servants. Instead, those receiving such appointment are those meeting the qualifications set out in the Scriptures at 1 Timothy 3:1-10, 12, 13; Titus 1:5-9 and related texts.

  • OnTheWayOut
    Nor is it primarily the number of hours that one may spend in sharing the good news with others
    that qualifies one for such congregational responsibilities

    It's always the number of hours looked at first. The only way a brother can have low hours
    is if there is a valid medical reason for it. Otherwise, Nine would be about the cutoff for
    average hours to be considered. The loophole is the word "primarily."

    If a brother had a regular study with a student, and made 8 hours a month, they would say
    he isn't balanced, he doesn't get out in the door to door work. If that same brother sat at the
    coffee shop before and after the study, claiming 12 hours a month, that's outstanding.

  • blondie

    Yes, I know the "unwritten" rule regarding appointing MS and elders. And then after they are appointed, their hours plummet. "The National Average" is the goal they must meet. I knew elders that hadn't made the national average since the month after they were appointed. My husband learned how to give the appearance of getting time in from the elders.

    But they did put it in print that hours were not the most important thing. Shows again how the WTS speaks out of both sides of their mouth.


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