A Letter to the Governing Body

by truthsetsonefree 71 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Quandary

    You expressed so many of my own personal feelings, it felt like I was reading something I myself had written. Respectful yet pointed and direct. Bravo!


  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    Ditto what Quandary just said!

    Nice job.

  • sf
    there are many people trapped in this cult. If I can get even one person thinking its worth the effort.

    May I ask, how do you propose doing this? How many are you going to tell the truth to BEFORE you leave them behind?

    Just curious.


  • gymbob

    Great letter!

    However, I doubt any GB member will ever see it. It will be sent to the Service Dept. and someone will read it and see that it cannot be traced and then it will be put in the, "round file".

    Why? Because they don't really care. They don't have to read it or respond to it. Now, if you were a threat to them or something that's another matter.

    The bottom line is....What's in it for them? Nothing. Your views are a non-issue to them. If they cared, they would have done something long ago, but they don't really care.

    The best thing you can do, you've already done.....You let people know! You put it HERE! Ooooooh...they hate that!

  • Mary
    The 11th commandment for JW's is 'thou shalt not criticise the Watchtower Society or its doctrines'.

    Actually, I'm pretty sure that's the first commandment.

    Excellent letter! Whether or not the Flaying and Disgruntled Slave actually see it, it'll be read by someone there.

  • Outaservice

    It probably should have been entitled 'An Open Letter To The Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses' and then followed by their own advise ADVERTISE, ADVERTISE, ADVERTISE. Maybe a nice little booklet that many of us could order and send on to active JW's we all know. And it is good you acted anonymously, it drives them 'nutzo'!


  • RAF

    ... ...

  • zack

    I feel for you, brother. I have the same frustrations.

    If sending your letter off makes you feel better, go for it. The GB don't care, though. Remember, these men were elders, CO's ,DO's. They saw eveything you did. They have been THE SYSTEM for most of their lives. The Service Dept. will read it and file it after first sending it to every cong. they can think of in order to get a local BOE to talk to you. But you already know that, don't you?

    I agree with you about the wages. The WTS criticizes other churches for having paid clergy. Well, I have met some of these people in my career and have found the overwhelming majority of them to be servants of their flocks. They tend the sick, counsel the depressed, pray for families, perform weddings, arrange funerals, officiate at baptisms, preach a new sermon on Sundays, arrange for activities for youths, visit prisons and homeless shelters..... Why are they criticized? Save for the odd preacher on TV most of these men minister to humble and simple congregations and make no more money than a highschool principal or fire chief. Most have Masters and Doctorate degress with minors in phsycology. If JW's had paid clergy I think the cong. would be better served. The hyprocrisy, of course, is that they do have paid clergy---- all the GB, CO's, DO's, etc... They don't admit it, but that's what they are.

    All the best to you.


  • truthsetsonefree

    Incidentally, I want to send this to the media. If any of you have any contacts, (I do have a few) please PM me. Don't post it publicly since I want to catch WT by surprise, at least a little. This is still anonymous. It will be hard for them to trace it. My methods I will reveal after the deed is done. They are really not that sophisticated.


  • truthsetsonefree
    I agree with you about the wages. The WTS criticizes other churches for having paid clergy. Well, I have met some of these people in my career and have found the overwhelming majority of them to be servants of their flocks. They tend the sick, counsel the depressed, pray for families, perform weddings, arrange funerals, officiate at baptisms, preach a new sermon on Sundays, arrange for activities for youths, visit prisons and homeless shelters..... Why are they criticized? Save for the odd preacher on TV most of these men minister to humble and simple congregations and make no more money than a highschool principal or fire chief. Most have Masters and Doctorate degress with minors in phsycology. If JW's had paid clergy I think the cong. would be better served. The hyprocrisy, of course, is that they do have paid clergy---- all the GB, CO's, DO's, etc... They don't admit it, but that's what they are.



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