My big day went very well

by iamfreenow 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • iamfreenow

    As many of you likely know, I was due to be baptised as a Christian this morning at the Baptist church I have been attending since just after I disassociated from the Jehovahs Witnesses. Well, I did the deed at just after 11:30 this morning, when I stepped into a batism pool for the second time in my life, almost 46 years after the first time I did it.

    I can't really remember how I felt when I was baptised as a JW, it is so long ago, I was only 14 at the time, but I remember that my parents were very proud of me at the time. This time, I remember it all. We opened the Service with "Amazing Grace", which is one of my favourites, and I noticed that my friends Trev and Linda were joining in the singing, somewhat to my surprise, especially Trev, there may be hope for him yet! After a prayer, there was a short discourse from the guest speaker, who spoke about the importance of having a Christian faith nowadays, and a couple of testimonies from young church members. After another hymn "Come To The Saviour, Make No Delay", and a prayer, I stepped into a baptism pool for the second time in my life, this time much more aware of the commitment I was making. The meeting chairman made a few brief remarks which I couldn't really hear as I was changing back into my clothes in the back room, and the service ended with the hymn "Baptised Into Thy Name Most Holy".

    I am so happy today, because now I feel that I am doing what God really wants me to do, and worshipping Him in the way He wants to be worshipped. After all those years of attending the Kingdom Hall, I have found services at the Baptist Church so joyful and uplifting in comparison. The congregation there are genuinely loving and genuinely friendly, they don't base their feelings towards others on how many meetings they attend, they are just happy to see people when they are there. Linda and even Trev, who hasn't been to a Church in years apart from weddings and funerals, noticed how different the atmosphere is there compared to JW meetings, though they have no plans to come again as yet. I was sort of happy as a JW for most of the time, but looking back there was always that fear that I imagine most Witnesses have of offending Jehovah somehow, without even realising it, and missing out on the new system. Now I have found the true path to God, I have no such fear, just joy at having finally found my way after all those years of being on the wrong road. I feel so liberated these days, as I finally experience true Christian freedom. After almost 60 years in the darkness, I am finally walking in the light.



  • LovesDubs

    Congratulations honey! Heres a towel for still wet behind the ears new and IMPROVED Christian!


  • jaguarbass

    Peace to you on your journey.

  • candidlynuts

    i'm glad your big day went well! how nice of linda and trev to be there with you. congrats on having great friends and on your baptism.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    Although Trev and I were there this morning, and congratulated Marion then, we would just like to add our congratulations on this thread. Thank you Marion for sharing the moment with us, it was a privilege to be there. I have known you as a close friend for over 25 years, and I can honestly say that I have never seen you looking as happy as you looked today. You were radiant as you stepped out of the Baptistry this morning, truly at peace with yourself and with the world.

    Although you have chosen a differrent path post jw to us, we are so happy that you have found what you are looking for, and your church is such a friendly, welcoming place, far more so than any kingdom hall I have ever been to. Thankyou for the privilege of helping you along the way.


    Linda and Trev

  • juni

    Thank you Marion for sharing with us your experience. If I lived near you I most definitely would have wanted to share in your joy also.

    Some people feel the need of being a part of a group in their worship of God. Some don't. I've talked to my therapist about this. As you expressed, while in the JW religion I also always felt that I fell short pleasing my Creator. Why? Because his love and acceptance for me was based on my activities as proscribed by the WTB&TS because we were brainwashed to believe that this is His channel on earth.

    I have yet to decide what path I will take to gain back what I once had before becoming a JW.

    I am so happy that you have found peace with God.

    Love, Juni

  • RAF

    ... ...

    I can't really remember how I felt when I was baptised as a JW, it is so long ago, I was only14 at the time

    Wow ... That's something that I really can't stand about how JW's push kids to make such decision (moreover when you know where it leads and what it means in there doctrine).

  • LittleToe

    Glad it went well, Marion! I had visions of you slipping on a bar of soap

    (Presbyterian joke, based on John 13:9, sorry )


  • outnfree

    Congratulations! -- it's nice to read about your commitment and great contentment.

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