My wife loves me more than I love her

by jayhawk1 24 Replies latest social family

  • J-ex-W

    First--read "Men Are From Mars, Women Are from Venus." Seriously. And that vacation thing you're worried about...if you can't afford to GO anywhere, plan a few days of just special LOCAL activities/ time together. Tourists come to our localities all the time for some the fun in your own locality.

    Also, that book I mentioned pointed out a significant--and oh, so true--thing: Women regard big things and small things equally when tallying what 'deposits' her mate has made into the relationship's 'emotional bank account.' You're thinking time for something big (supposedly more 'points,' right?). Only women don't think that way. The vacation will count in your favor the same way a boquet of flowers counts--1 point each. One time of putting for effort, 1 point. One demonstration of love, affection, or consideration: 1 point.

    The interesting thing is, the more often you put forth such effort--make such demonstrations--the more your emotional 'investment' into the relationship grows, and the more your 'affection circuitry' will be tripped into motion. [That's not from the book; that's from me.] So it benefits her and you to think on a regular basis of what kinds of things you can do to show her that she means something to you.

    Hope this helps.... Good luck.

  • SPAZnik

    Maybe you're bored and need to challenge yourself.

    Maybe you're tired and need a change (it's as good as a rest).

    Perhaps you're frustrated with economic situation
    and taking it out on yourself & her instead of trying something else.

    Find a new hobby to fall in love with. Maybe that'll complete you. ;)

  • Xena
    Do you mind me asking, how do you measure love?
    I'm not sure I'm measuring it. Just lately it seems she is more willing to do things for me than I am for her. And you guys are right, I have been a little upset with myself. Lately it feels as if I haven't accomplished anything.

    I asked because I wondered how you were gauging her love vs yours. From some of the posts of yours I've read lately it appears you are going thru a rough spot financially. Men traditionally measure their love in how well they take care of their families, they are the hunters. Hence I couldn't help wondering if perhaps you are feeling like you are giving less love because of some of the financial problems ya'll are having. Maybe it just seems that way because of current circumstances. Or I could be totally off the mark.

    I think in every marriage, partners will be going through different stages. Right now you think she loves you more. Maybe another time it will be the other way.

    I agree with that totally. Relationships cycle. The key is just to keep on keeping on until the circle comes back around. I hope things look up for you soon.

  • lighthouse19something

    I'm sure my wife loves me more than I love her, but is a very emotional person. We have married 27 years.

  • jayhawk1

    I am thrilled by the responses on this thread. What will likely happen now is I will have my wife set down with me and we'll go over the issues you all have raised. Maybe we can identify what is going on here.

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