Older Man??

by avidbiblereader 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • avidbiblereader

    The scriptures uses the term "older man" as a position of authority in the congregation to help and shepherd the flock

    In the JW they will typically use a man of the age of 30 and use as a reference Jesus getting baptized and the beginning of his work on earth.

    How many here feel the "older man" should in deed be an older man because of the seriousness of the responsibility, because of experience and did any of you feel as an elder or because of an younger elder you were not treated properly because of youth and a lack of experience or they lacked the example of an older man?


  • AuldSoul

    I disagree with the initial statement regarding the way the Scriptures treat the subject of older men. I find that the Scriptures do not portray the elders in a position of authority over the flock so much as caretakers of the flock—shepherds vs. owners. A shepherd(ess) has no authority over the flock, but can only tend the sheep entrusted to his or her care. The owner has all authority over the flock.

    In fact, there are specific statements in the Bible that contradict the interpretation that the elders served as an authority over the congregants.

    I am curious whether your question would even exist if not for the belief that people should be authorities over other people.

    That said, among JWs, young elders are not treated as "older men" by older elders. I was never an elder, but I saw plenty of them come and go in various congregations and I am a keen observer of human behavior. Young elders are regarded as "wet behind the ears" and too idealistic to have any suggestions that should be taken very seriously.


  • jaguarbass

    They say there is no fool like an old fool.

    At least when you have children leading children you wont feel so decieved.

  • wozadummy

    I pretty much agree with AULD Soul. Being an older man to my line of thinking is to be a balanced and experienced person and that most often comes with maturity and years as well. I think the emphasis though should be not on authority but more on experience and love motivating a helpful desire. Some young men I've met are like this and some older men in years have been less mature.

    As regards the congregation I think the failure to appoint mature and loving people has always been the failure of the elders and in turn the WTS ,and this is because of cronyism etc and the lack of the holy spirit.

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