Anyone else end up on a JC after losing their virginity?

by yaddayadda 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • geevee

    I often wondered about how many who grew up in it actually remained virgins until they wed.
    When I was an elder, mainly females would be more likely to fess up, does that mean the young males didn't? Or do they keep it a secret? Although of the young females who did fess up, it was generally with some non jw guy, so maybe that is why not too many males came forward and repented.
    How sad that we still refer to it as "fornication". Yes that is what it is, but how borgized is the expression.
    Sadly I passed up plenty of opportunites, preferring to keep myself "chaste".....what a tool!

  • MinisterAmos
    I often wondered about how many who grew up in it actually remained virgins until they wed.

    I wonder more about how many are still virgins AFTER being wed! I know of more than one couple who put "helping each other in the Ministry" before anything else. No time to figure out how to do it even after seven years of wedded bliss.

    Hot sister too, what a waste!

  • JamieL

    Not immediately.

    Like 6 months after. When I finally confessed, wow private reproof would have been a blessing I just got booted....oh well. I still think it was the right choice, I didn't have to hide anymore and I no longer felt guilty over things I had done.

  • Nowman

    I was never in a JC meeting but I did get DFd for fornication. It was 15 years ago, I was 18. I had planned my escape for 3 months prior. I was secretly seeing a very nice boy. When I left on a particular Monday, his parents let me stay with them and him of course. They were very free spirited, good people. I was still a virgin even when I left that day, I did not sleep with him until 3-4 months later. My dad called me every week to see if I had commited fornication, lol. I kept saying, "Dad, I am being honest, I have not had sex yet, but when I do, I will tell you". Eventually, he called me on a particular day, and I said "yes". I was annoucned not too long after that, I refused to meet with my dad the elder and the other elders for a JC.


  • mouthy

    Reading all these post saddens me.The WT has ruined so many lives by dominating about sexuel things.
    Some one wondered on here if any were virgins when they married. I know for a fact My daughter was.
    I had warned all my kids that because I was NOT a virgin when I was married there life was worth saving for that Special day
    Of course my son- never was a witness so he did his own thing- he died at 46 so I am glad at least he had "fun" before
    My eldest Daughter wasnt a JW( Is now) got pregnant ! I made her feel guilty! she married the guy she does not love( My doing) is still married to him--- their daughter ( my grand-daughter is 32 now) so many years of marriage because of my harsh teachings under mind control.
    My next daughter - Sue WAS a virgin....I know that because she married a brother??? & when they went on their honeymoon she called me & said they couldnt do anything,,,,she was to small.!!! He came on the phone to tell me she wasnt enterable...Poor guy,this was four days after the wedding,
    I suggested they go to a Dr. Which they did! called back to say it was FEAR!!!!!( I did a good job on her didnt I).???????.
    Melanie -left the organization to marry an unbeliever =whom she adored until she died....So two escaped from the clutches of the Organization....

  • Highlander
    I wonder more about how many are still virgins AFTER being wed! I know of more than one couple who put "helping each other in the Ministry" before anything else. No time to figure out how to do it even after seven years of wedded bliss.

    I know of one couple that didn't have sex on their wedding night by their own admission. They instead stayed up the entire night, reading all the cards and looking at the gifts.

    I thought that was quite strange, however they did make up for lost time and quickly had two kids after that.

  • found-my-way

    Yup, I did too

    they asked lots of disgusting questions that had nothing to do with my repentance

    After an HOUR of crying my eyes out

    and waiting for 25 minutes (an eternity!!!) while they decided my fate

    I ended up getting private reproof.

    I feel sorry for all the ones here that got df'd, even after being repentant, but look at it as a blessing...

    I was stuck in the borg for 7 more years after that, what a waste.

  • observador

    Not me.

  • observador

    Not me.

    But I'm a victim of something equally horrible: was a virgin until 24 years of age. Boy, do I regret it!

    By the way, thanks for sharing your stories.

  • theinfamousone

    lmao!!!! i almost got calle don it once, some girl told the elders i had slept with her... some witness girl had a crisis of conscience... they wanted to set up a meeting between her and i and them and i was all for it... when the time came for the meeting she showed up, i called her a liar and she admitted to having lied... LMAO!!! werid, cuz she wasnt lying, i feel bad about it now, but then i was still kinda brainwashed

    the infamous one

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