The earth can hold only 9 billion persons at the most

by cultswatter 22 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • cultswatter

    *** Public Address by District Overseer Bro. Charles Sunutko in Spring 1967 in Sheboygan, Wisconsin

    [Recording of this talk available in RealAudio format, 2,745kb, approx 22 minute recording]

    "Serving With Everlasting Life in View"


    "The Watchtower 1964, page 722, paragraph 24, and listen to this: "TENS of billions will be back".

    How many are tens of billions? Well at least 20 billion. 'Cause to have tens of billions in the billions, you have to have two sets of ten billion. So at the very minimum figure, lets say even 20 billion coming back. What a fantastic accomplishment that's going to be for our Lord, Jesus Christ."


    So how can 20 billion fit into the earth?? There would be anarchy if this was true.

  • OnTheWayOut
    So how can 20 billion fit into the earth??

    How can over 1 billion fit in India? Well, they do. At one point in Earth's
    overpopulating, we would virtually all have to give up meat. Feeding
    animals to provide meat will become impractical. We will have less
    domestic animals.

    Science will learn how to use the land to the absolute fullest. There will
    be farms inside factories that produce more than the ones outside.
    As long as they have the sun and water (they will remove the salt from oceans)
    Man will find a way. Cities will have to build up and up, so that more room
    is left for growing food.

    Or, they will move off-planet.

  • some-xjw-guy

    I have this idea that they may have already started farming people in a way, like raising crops. (mass production) To me the question is billions of WHAT - what kind of persons?

  • Leolaia

    Check out my thread on the subject:

    The other big issue would be the incredible number of babies who would be resurrected on account of past infant mortality. There would literally be billions of babies who would suddenly need care. Think of the typical family in the Middle Ages who kept trying to have children but lost them to early childhood diseases, malnutrition, and other factors. The couple would be resurrected with four or five babies in tow....

  • vomit

    In Japan already there are multi story underground farms for things like mushrooms.
    A sky scraper 1KM tall with 1KM bottom radius could fit a million people easily.
    But then Jehovah doesnt like cities that is why he destroyed babylon there could be 100 billion people on earth with the correct management

  • Qcmbr

    God has plenty of options in a future paradise - just flatten some mountains into the sea and make some more land, stop weeds, increase the growing season by removing seasons, stop the over consmption of animals, reduce the amount of transport for food, decrease the amount of consumption, irrigate the deserts, restock the seas with plenty of fish. Come to think of it a lot of these are options we have now. Anyhow as soon as global warming kicks in we might get loads of Siberia and Greenland to farm.

  • Rooster

    Well what if God draws the waters back up and opens up more land. Sunrays have an adverse affect on the human body so this must be the plan. Yes I am sure it's the plan I just checked with the "Governing Body!"

  • moshe

    The movie Soylent Green shows an idea what life could be like in a world overpopulated with humans. I have been watching the PBS shows on China and it has been a real education. China could be on the verge of social collapse. A couple years of unfavorable growing seasons could push the population into anarchy.

  • JH

    There is 3 times more oceans than land, so God could change that around.

  • blondie

    Does anyone have website where the maximum sustainable population is calculated?

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