If Jesus could talk to Satan...

by AuldSoul 62 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Morocco

    I actually had a similar conversation with a witness friend. I was asking her why "bad association" is so bad. I made the point that, if you have faith in God, and God won't let you be "tested beyond what you can bear", then what exactly is the probelm? Doesn't this line of logic basically say that with faith you are immune? Satan will "flee from you"? She argued the point that Jesus wasn't making friends, he was preaching. As long as you are preaching it's okay to talk to worldly people. Then she resorted to "you need to talk to the elders because they will surely have the correct answers." Basically she didn't answer my question and her brain froze like a deer in headlights. Hm.

  • TD

    Wouldn't a distinction as to the type of discussion Jesus had with Satan make the situation worse, instead of better insofar as JW's are concerned?

    IOW, as agape37 has pointed out, Satan came to Jesus not with sincere questions, but with the express intent of inducing him to sin. Jesus still did him the courtesy of a scriptural discussion.

    OTOH JW's will not enter into a scriptural discussion regardless of whether the questions of the one they perceive as "Apostate" are sincere or not.

  • AuldSoul

    Excellent point, TD!

    Morocco, while it is okay to preach to worldly people, it is not okay to preach to apostates, and Satan is the penultimate apostate. The "tharn" look you got in response was because this is one of those questions they have no "Society approved" answer ready to fire back. The Reasoning book doesn't cover this point.


  • heathen

    They'd probly say something like , if people do not have kingdom interests first in their life then they are bad association .The only people the early church was instructed to ignore were those that called themselves brother and carried on with extortion ,greedy , fornication ,or drunks . 1cor.5:11

  • The Dragon
    The Dragon

    Wow! Nice points people! I must confront my mom with some of these questions. I feel like I went to the store and just bought some teflon bullets!

    You know..I was wondering lately how powerful of a weapon is the internet, freedom of speech, and an airtight case against those who choose to define themselves as your enemies by their actions and words?

    I wish I could define my cell phone as my handgun....and my laptop a more powerful weapon than all the WMD on earth combined to those who define me as their enemy. Even further...i wish we all could have this kind of power.

    Could we possibly work together to win this game with these kind of rules? Air we need is the airtight case...the rest we are given.

    That deer in the headlight look is shock and fear...but someone needs to ask them what is wrong when it happens so we will know for sure and not rely upon guesses as they do.

    For the record...Liars can only rule when truth is not present..I just made that up! WOW!

  • monkeyshine

    Stock JW reply:

    "But, Jesus was perfect, you see...he could handle Satan. I'm an imperfect human being, unlike Jesus. You might stumble me by stating the truth twisting the scriptures to suit your nefarious ends"

    Adam and Eve were perfect. So Satan had a legit shot at breaking Jesus. Knowing the importance of such a thing why would he sit down with someone who could change Jesus' mind and alter the course of events? Was there a reason to entertain Satan's ideas? Did Jesus not know Satan's stance before having this conversation?

    So this meeting was useless and by doing it Jesus was gambling with our futures and with the Angels point of view. If God is so worried about what everyone thinks (obviously he is because he has allowed ALL this human suffering to prove his point) he should have advised against this meeting. Not to mention, Jesus should have known better.

    Maybe the gamble was to prove whatever God's point is, even more. (Funny how this point is that important to risk our lives and to let kids starve and women be raped and everything that he detests take place to prove it)

    And what is his point? Satan's bad!

    I think the kids laying in the dirt starving and sucking in their last breath of air could go without the reassurance. We know Satan's bad already, let's end it! Okay, you're right! We get it!

    I don't believe the whole God thing anyway. I'm just saying.

  • joenobody

    It's just another example of the completely inconsistent narrative in the Bible.

  • Golf

    Interesting topic fellows, keep it up. Here's a point I made to the org in one my lengthy letters to them. If Jah expels people like he did with Adam and Eve in the garden, why did he "...make long garments of skin for Adam and for his wife and to clothe them?" Gen 3:21,22

    Why be in the company and aid purposeful violaters against your instructions?


  • plmkrzy
    Adam and Eve were perfect. So Satan had a legit shot at breaking Jesus.

    I always had a problem with that one. How could they have been perfect if they were stupid?

    Jesus wasn't ignorant. But Satan should have known that.

  • monkeyshine

    Long story short...kill Satan, not now, but right now.

    Oh yeah, I forgot, the Angels would say "Maybe Satan was right after all! Hey God, why'd ya kill Satan? Maybe he had something to say and you shut him up. What are you afraid of? Hey other Angels, God snuffed out Satan without giving him more than 6,000 years to talk! He's not the real God, even though we've been here with him for time indefinite and saw him create all things, he was faking the whole time. The humans could have stood some more unbearable suffering. Praise Satan!"


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