First time for me.........."The wedding night"

by new boy 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • new boy
    new boy

    Stress free.....................THAT IS WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT........who hit the nail on head!

  • truthsetsonefree

    "our 'Honeymoon' was a 5 day convention in London, Ontario."

    Oh my God, mine was an international convention in Eastern Europe! My wife was so pissed at me.....

  • onlycurious

    I don't have any bad memories of my first time other than the fact that it wasn't with my husband.

    We were both virgins and I remember everything like it happened yesterday.

  • Satanus

    Stress free

    illustrations dealing with oral sex, masturbation, anal sex, etc.

    So, have they just been doing those three, then? Or, did they eventually discover regular sex, as well? Just funnin ya


  • Stress Free
    Stress Free

    Satanus, knowing my extremely brainwashed jw sister, I reckon after 25 years they never got passed the missionary position. LOL.

    Stress Free

  • geevee

    Stillajwexelder: Man 2 seconds!!! You are a legend! My hero, how did you make it last that long?

  • JamieL

    My first time was in the backseat of my car. But I didn't have any foul up or anything, in fact it was one of the best experiences of my life. Even though it turned out to be a bad relationship, put me on the outside of the congregatio, I really don't think I'd take it back.

    We didn't use protection or anything, which was great, both bein virgins really why bother, it took me about 45 minutes though. I don't know why, I seem to go smoother when I get *cough* oral stimulation, for some reason regular intercourse takes longer, but I guess that's good for the girls...she had a good time afterall and got what she wanted, which is a big complaint of the females.

    Was also possibly the best night of my life where I finally, truly showed someone myself for the first time in my life, and I was somehow freed of everything I hated about myself, and knew that I was going to be all right.

    Anyway, it was fun. We always had to hook up in secret ways you know. So that led to very public encounters, but in secret places. Like parks, parking lots, cars, anothers persons house. Ahhh, good times.

    Even though it all turned out messy it was still fun.

  • wozadummy

    Even non JW's have an awkward first time - mine was the front seat of a mini with my legs and butt hanging out the car with the door open ,and just at the best moment a police torch shined up my butt, and a voice from the dark said "what do you think you're doing?"

    And the cop had a female off sider ,hell I could die right now! I think I've been waiting to get this off my chest for years

  • Schism

    Oh god my 1st time I was only 15 and it was with my first real boyfriend. There was nothing scarey, awkward, or painful about it. It was fun and I was especially rearing to go!! Oh, and it was his first time as well, and he lasted for hours (probably because we had so much phone sex that he was numbed or something, LMAO). Oh boy, was I ever starving for a slice of man!! Let me stop!

    Twas a fun time.... All that excitement in uncharted territory!

    Nowadays I am married. Though it isn't new and weird like when I was 15, I'm still always up for a good time! LOL!!!!!

    That blushing smiley is the closest I come to inhibition.

  • MinisterAmos

    New boy, Not sure if I'm interpreting your roulette ANALogy (sometimes the ball lands on red...sometimes on black)correctly? Is it anything like a scratch in billiards?? (ball goes in the wrong pocket)
    My thoughts EXACTLY! Probably because I know someone whose wife is counseling a sister who has been married for six years and complains that the infrequent sex she has causes her great pain. Anyone care to guess what causes the pain?

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