Moved the study and forgot to tell us.......Seriously!

by MinisterAmos 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • MinisterAmos

    I feel just awful~!

    The wife and I showed up with our red books and bibles at the new brother's house ready for the study, but nobody was there.

    Anyone else ever have this happen?

    I understand that the group is huge, us, the new guys, the conductor (a Bethel reject), and three generations of Dubs who live in the same house, but are three family groups too much to keep track of?

    Once again I am surprised by these dim-wits (I can only hope they NEVER tell us where the study is!)

  • purplesofa

    This happened to me once.........and well, I just thought........ok, get to go back home!!!

    and felt like crap that somehow I got overlooked.


  • Abandoned

    WOW, that's like winning the weekly, bible study lottery.

  • OnTheWayOut

    This only happened when we visited another cong.
    because we missed our own cong. meeting.

    Never had my own cong. forget to tell everyone.
    Sometimes, weather cancelled one of our meetings and some
    of the visitors to book study didn't get the word.
    All the assigned publishers were contacted.

  • Spectre

    That's as good as when the speaker didn't show up for the sunday talk.

  • metaspy

    I have seen this happen before:
    a sister did not go regularly to the TMS and Service meeting.
    the change was announced in local announcements. no one called her.
    I was sick (bookstudy at my house), when she came I told her where to find the study.

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    Nope. Never had that happen to me. The only things they forgot to tell me about were the congregation get togethers and social things. At least you didn't have to sit through their mind numbing monotony.

  • I quit!
    I quit!
    The wife and I showed up with our red books and bibles at the new brother's house ready for the study, but nobody was there

    Maybe they were raptured. Sorry wrong religion.

  • fokyc

    In the early 50's, very new in the truth, could we have the group in our house?

    All arranged, nice and tidy, we wait and wait.................nobody ever turned up!!

    But never an explanation, no apology and no mention of it,

    We were too young and stupid (or polite) to ask.


  • kwintestal

    We were never not told that the book group had switched locations, however we did show up at the KH during a snow fall and found out the meeting had been cancelled. Not that it was a huge storm or anything, just in Nova Scotia if they get a snow flake in the air everything cancels. My dad had an on-going joke that if it snowed the snow-mobiler's convention would be cancelled too.


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