Witness's refusal of transfusion costs his life

by Dogpatch 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • uwishufish

    I believe the blood thing is a great way for older jw men to legaly collect life ins and get rid of an aging wife in one great act of faith.

  • Tigerman

    How very sad.

    I wonder if he's looking at his family right now, from the " other side, " and crying his heart out for causing them so much pain.

  • SirNose586
    I remember a woman who was just studying back in the early 70s. She came to the part in her studies where it says one who desires to please Jehovah God cannot be taking blood transfusions.
    She was on dialysis for kidney disease and regularly took transfusions.
    She could not get baptized until she discontinued the blood transfusions.
    And if she stopped doing the blood she would die.
    She was in terrible turmoil until she made her decision to stop the blood transfusions in order to be worthy of a resurrection in the paradise.
    She passed away May 1973.
    There was no KH funeral for her because she was not a sister and few knew of her. She had been studying for only several months but took it very seriously.

    So pathetic....so wrong.

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