Princess' Polar Bear Swim

by Mulan 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mulan

    She will probably kill me for posting these photos, but I can't resist.

    Last Thursday, our Rachel (Princess here) and one of her friends decided to dive into a local lake and do a polar bear swim, despite the fact that the temperature was in the teens and there was fresh snow from the night before.

    Here are a few photos. You can see the snow on the ground and notice everyone else is bundled up.

    this is before she dove in

    they realized they had to swim to shore and not climb the ladder.........frozen fingers to the metal???

    Afterward...............she said she won't do it again.

    I have another photo of her running out of the water, but she really would kill me if I posted that one

  • Mulan

    After the swim at the coffee shop across the street from the lake.........she looks like she's warming up

  • liquidsky

    Hi Mulan, I watch the Polar Bear Swim every year on T.V. and I think "Those people are absolutley wacky!!!!" =)

  • Woodsman


  • GoingGoingGone


    Just a tad too chilly for me... .... But that's one tough girl you've got there!


  • purplesofa

    she is one tough gal.



  • Xena

    To cool! I would NEVER do it myself but I think it's cool Rachel did.

  • silentWatcher

    hey congrats to Princess, I'm a member of the "polar bear club" too. Took the plunge here in Madison, WI 3 years ago this Feb. for charity. I will never forget the intense rush when I first jumped in. cheers, silent

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    That looks like fun. I think. Maybe not. Any idea what the water temp. was? The coldest I have been in was around 46 and it gave me an ice cream headache every time my head got dunked.

  • Mulan

    I don't know what the temperature of the water was, but probably 40 something. There was ice a couple of days later.

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