Subject: KN #37 Has had an effect

by purplesofa 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • purplesofa

    I got this from a witness yesterday. Don't know if it was already posted.

    Ukraine Sees Friction Between Jehova's Witnesses and Mainstream Christians
    Posted on January 03, 2007
    By The Universe's Europe Correspondent Jonathan Luxmore: Ukraine's Catholic Church has demanded government action against Jehova's Witnesses after accusing them of insulting mainstream faiths in the country.

    "We appeal to you to exercise state control in line with current legislation on freedom of conscience", Catholic and Orthodox leaders said in a joint open letter to officials in the western Lviv region.

    "This letter in no way infringes the rights and freedoms of Jehova's Witnesses. But it is an attempt to defend rights given by God and the state, as well as the dignity of our parishioners".

    The Church leaders were reacting to a mass brochure circulated by the Witnesses, titled "The End of False Religion is Nigh", graphically depicting a prostitute astride a many-headed beast. They said the image, symbolising the "world religious system", was offensive to Catholic and Orthodox Christians, and could also be viewed as "heating up religious animosity."
    However, the brochure was defended by the Witnesses' Public Relations Department, which said it was based on "biblical descriptions from the Book of Revelations" and had not mentioned any "officially registered denominations".

    "Every religion has a constitutional right to interpret the prophecies in its holy book and denominational literature according to its understanding", the Department said in a statement. "Our aim is to submit the issue of true and false worship existing in the limits of 'Christianity' to serious review".

    Jehova's Witnesses, who rely exclusively on the Bible and reject later Christian doctrine, have 5.2 million adherents worldwide, and have been active since the 1890s in Ukraine, where they currently number 115,000 in 655 communities, according to government data. The movement, officially called the Watch Tower Society, suffered repression under Soviet rule, but was legally registered shortly before Ukraine's s independence in 1991.

    A Catholic bishop who signed the open letter, Mgr Marian Buczek, said he believed the Witnesses were "deluding people".
    "They break up marriages and families, and finally break up society", Bishop Buczek, a Lviv auxiliary, told local newspapers.

    "The state, like the Church, should warn people about this threat. We know this is a totalitarian sect, with a rigour worse than the army, which totally captivates its people".
    Local newspapers said street clashes had occurred in the Lviv area when members of mainstream Churches tried to prevent Witnesses from distributing leaflets.

    Meanwhile, a member of the Lviv Regional Council, Oleh Niemchynov, confirmed that he and other deputies had agreed at a late December meeting to ask Ukrainian parliamentarians to consider banning the movement.

    Ukrainian churches have previously complained about small religious groups, who need only 10 members to gain legal registration in the country.

    The Church in neighbouring Poland warned Catholics last October not to converse with Jehova's Witnesses, who have spread rapidly in Eastern Europe since the 1989-90 collapse of communist rule.
  • Amazing

    Hi Purple,

    Very interesting article. It's sad to see the Catholic and Orthodox leaders in these areas making trouble for the JWs. They simply do not understand how to deal with the JWs, and their hostile actions will only be taken as persecution by the JWs ... and this will only drive some people in Russia and Urkraine, etc. to join the JWs. They need to instead talk to ex-JWs in Europe and America to get the inside scoop on how to expose the JWs, and then leave them be.

    Thanks for posting the article,

    Jim Whitney

  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    it's great the wt is getting exposed in russia. i hope the gov't there bans them. ( and i don't care what any crybabies say here about freedom of religion, all the while crying how the wts ruined their lives ) to bad the UNITED STATES didn't finish off the wt back in 1918. then none of us would be here today . yes false religion should be destroyed. lEt it start in russia, with the WTBTS. JOHN

  • parakeet

    This reaction is exactly what the JWs intended by distributing that tract. Even a good-natured dog will eventually bite if poked often enough with a stick. Giddyup, Ukrainian JWs! Persecution's a-comin'! And don't you just love it!

  • bernadette

    thanks purps

  • Gregor

    Of course you must realize that the WTS HOPES they get banned. It would be like a gift for them right now. Kind of like the old days. "Time to circle the wagons, Brothers and Sisters! The end is nigh!" etc etc. The internal PR value would be priceless for them.

  • metatron

    Please don't ban them.

    TAX THEM! That's their weak spot!


  • JWdaughter

    Because of all the lead up about #37, I am sure that they are RELIEVED that someone objected so strenuously to their 'message'. I find it ironic that they are not being objected to for their doctrine (would that not be further proof that they are 'true religion' in their own eyes) but rather because they are so destructive to families, are totalitarian (this is a concern in the former USSR!) They are destructive to churches-which should make them happy as that seems to be the goal. For all that, it does not seem like anyone has 'gotten' the message they are supposedly spreading about the 'good news of the kingdom' (yeah, the good news that you must join the JWs or DIE DIE DIE at armageddon!) The only message that has been heard well is the one that they are a desructive, totalitarian, cult that likes picking on other religions just cause they can.


  • truthsetsonefree
    had not mentioned any "officially registered denominations".

    Explains why their message doesn't really 'sting' anymore. They are afraid to say anything for fear of persecution.

    A Catholic bishop who signed the open letter, Mgr Marian Buczek, said he believed the Witnesses were "deluding people".

    "They break up marriages and families, and finally break up society", Bishop Buczek, a Lviv auxiliary, told local newspapers.

    "The state, like the Church, should warn people about this threat. We know this is a totalitarian sect, with a rigour worse than the army, which totally captivates its people".

    You can say that again.


  • Junction-Guy

    I agree with JohnnyCip, if the US government had taken care of the WT Society back in 1918, then I wouldnt be on this board today, and my life would have been alot less complicated. I say if you cant ban them, then tax them to death.

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