who should be held acountable? footsoldiers or leaders ?

by The Dragon 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • The Dragon
    The Dragon

    Would our leadership be of better quality if they knew they would be held accountable for their decisions, orders and examples they set to their subordinates? Or are they confident/cocky they will never have to answer for their mistakes and do things the way they want to do them as a result of this perhaps shortsighted view on things?

    I mean who is going to police the police so to speak?

    Is the Supreme Court going to govern the Supreme Court? if they cannot do so nor wish to..how can they govern and lead others?

    Any thoughts?

  • some-xjw-guy

    It seems the people need to get smart, eh? Too many sheep, and not in any good or righteous way, either.

  • Satanus

    I think it's a group thing; people get the leaders that they deserve.


  • The Dragon
    The Dragon

    Well...their conduct and results points to the bet they have made.......

    If they are wrong.....they better use all the intelligence and attornies they can muster to defend and justify this personal decision they have made at everyone elses expense..including their own children.

    But I don't think it would be enough should a higher court call them into question and demand answers.

    Or perhaps they could prove me wrong on this.

    My attitude is like this....you prove me wrong...I am the biggest pussy in the world...If I know i am right? I am the most vicious pitt bull you have ever encounterd in your life...and when i finish with you...i will give you pat on the ass and say "good game".

    I don't need guns or weapons..just an airtight case on those who chose to be my enemies, freedom of speech, and the internet so i can bring it to the customer base they have been kicking around.

    I don't like the idea spending all your time protecting others...I Would rather show others how to defend themselves so I Can focus on things important in my personal life...like my children.

  • The Dragon
    The Dragon

    I would also like to make a new logo for a tee shirt: GOT FRIENDS?

    Can i make some money on that idea?

  • The Dragon
    The Dragon

    How about this? People get the leaders they settle for?

    Thanks S!

  • carla

    Absolute power corrupts absolutely. In this case (jw's) there are many who are well aware and should be held accountable. When there are no checks and balances of powers there will always be tryanny.

  • The Dragon
    The Dragon

    Then we need to work together to come up with better checks and balances then.

    Got any fresh ideas?

  • Junction-Guy

    Yes I believe the leaders should be held accountable, they are the ones who created the lies, they are the ones responsible for misquoting secular authorities, they are the ones responsible for perpetrating this scheme. If a footsoldier realizes it is not the truth yet still preaches it actively, then they too should be held responsible.



    The leaders if they know scripture and they should, Are responsible for their actions and will have to give an account for themselves.

    James 3 v1..Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, knowing that we shall receive HEAVIER JUDGMENT.

    They will not get away with by saying the usual patter " I was following orders" we have heard that too many times.


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