they finally called on me after almost 10 yrs

by orbison11 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • orbison11

    boy was it tuff

    a nice, sweet mature couple, in their mid 60's, were catholic, from scotland/ireland...been jws for about 12 years so i could still do circles around them..

    i was very pleasant with them, as i think they approached me with pleasantness,,,not craziness

    about 2 min. into conversation, i was on way to work and did not want to take their time or mine, i said i use to be a jw and no longer was,,did not say df'd

    she listened more than him,,,,i could often see her nudge him in the arm when he was going off, lol

    long story short, over 20 mins worth of conversation, i took the mags, i asked,,,and he left with writing the letters NGO on his not at home slip, to look up when he got home.....he had never heard anything about it,,i said, no most here probably dont know, and i compared it to not taking my children to the ymca to swim, etc

    i said a bit more about it,,,oh and i touched on the pedophile issue but he had no clue:(

    she did ask me quietly,,,do you miss it,,,,and i, without thinking,,said yes,,,i told her i missed the family, etc

    when i said i had 4 children i was not speaking to, etc, due to it,,(another long story short),,,she looked deep in my eyes and said,,,,that must be hard

    i think i threw them off, he was not an elder,,,was very kind to me,,,

    the good part,,,,i had a very good nights sleep, just ready for work,,looking hot, lol

    they made a comment about it,,well ok, not hot,,but very good lol, hey at my age i can exagerate, i said something that at my age, bout mid 50's blah blah,,they both didnt say anything,,,then she said,,well you certainly dont look that old, oh made my day (didnt say how it might be due to my jw days of moderation )

    i said, it is funny the jws think when we are no longer jws that we are out fornicating,,,etc, but we carry on and have good lives

    oh well,,,had a very spiritual thinking type of day,,,i need a family


    i said, well that is what the governing body says to do...........

    ps they are coming back, so i gotta print out all the stuff we have here so if any here have the link off hand could you please post...un, etc, thank u...

  • jayhawk1

    They're going to make a return visit? Did they say why? Is it this couple's hope to get you to come back or do they just want to prove you wrong?

  • JWdaughter

    They are coming back because they met a reasonable exJW who was decent, kind, respectable and could have a sensible conversation with them w/o being emotional and silly. They were also decent, good people who think that since they are all so reasonable, that they can perhaps drag her back. OR they are decent good people who want to hear what she has to say (I hope!). Most of us were JWs and while we had/have obnoxious points, we basically WANT to be good, do the right thing, be good to our neighbors, etc. JWs are mostly nice people trapped in an ugly religion.

    I am glad Orbison looked 'hot' that day. Having a hangover and sweats on w/a 'little bitty titty club' cropped t shirt would NOT have sent the right message! (My parents saw my 6th grade teacher w/that tshirt on when at a swap meet. They still talked about it 20 years later!)

  • juni

    Good job Orbison. You kept your cool and gave them things to think about. Keep us updated if they do come back.


  • Nellie

    I thought it was the brothers out looking for that one sheep. . . I should've known better!

  • Alpheta

    They'll be back. Be kind - I know you will. And Orbison, since when does being in one's mid-50's mean that one can no longer be "hot" - hell, I'm just beginning my GOOD years at 55. Rock On, Baby Boomers, Rock On...

  • jwfacts

    Sounds like it went well. You tugged at their heartstrings, which is probably most effective of all.

    Here is the link to the UN site if that is what you were after.

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