Armageddon Date

by Clam 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Quandry

    The 7-7-07 date is O.K., but since last summer's conventions when they wanted everyone to get everyone else's phone numbers (The big A was imminent) people may have moved and changed numbers (We are a mobile society) and that will make them have to start again in June with the new conventions getting everyone's phone numbers again........

  • zack

    Armageddon happened in 1975.

    We're now in paradise.

  • Star Moore
    Star Moore


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Howdy Clam,

    I love numbers but as I said before - What killed the little monkey in RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK was BAD DATES! Your offering of 07/07/07 is a beauty though it cannot possibly possess the palindromic perfection of 8/8/88. Numerically and aesthetically.

    I just know that something DID happen in 8/8/88, but I forgot! BAD DATES?


  • Stealth453

    Doesn't really matter, now does it? The watchliar sociopath society will just change it as the bright gets lighter.



    It's a pity Enron didn't sought out this bright light! !!!


  • abbagail

    Cute thread, lol.

    A better question would be: "WORLD WAR THREE DATE," as WW3 will come before Armageddon and from there you can determine the narrow-time-frame of Armageddon.

    Once WW3 takes place, and the world dictator (biblical antichrist) appears on the world stage and at the point where he negotiates and signs the peace covenant with Israel and the Middle East (wherein all the world will rejoice and "admiringly follow the beast" thereafter), you can start counting from that point 3.5 years (Tribulation) plus 3.5 more years (Great Tribulation) or 7 biblical years total - lunar years - 360 days each -- and you will be able to know when Armageddon will occur (Armageddon meaning when Jesus returns to fight against Israel's enemies and save the Jewish remnant from complete extinction at the hands of the antichrist).


    PS: Current [apostate] Israel is controlled by Freemasonry and they are calling all the shots -- they [and their world-wide Masonic brotherhood] will determine when WW3 begins... When they finish their "separation wall," for one thing...

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