Answers to this weeks Bookstudy in Revelation Grand Climax

by stillajwexelder 32 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • M.J.

    Thanks Stilla.

    I missed this one. Great to have the "answers" handy!

  • jayhawk1

    The best part is it took an hour to cover 9 paragraphs. At least the Watchtower Study can squeeze in 20 something paragraphs.

  • Leolaia
    2nd time started March 19th 1991,

    I remember that one very well. I was going to university and couldn't believe I was expected to give up valuable time to do my Greek/Latin homework in order to go hear such illogical, circular, eisegetical, clearly-self-serving-and-bizarre pablum...I was sitting there thinking "What a waste of time! I have some Ovid homework I have to translate and vocabulary to memorize, and here I am sitting here in order to hear people regurgitate this book's nonsense." I think that was the last book study I ever went to.

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