Tragic Bush Administration Failure

by DebSmithLopez 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • Swamboozled

    The two situations are COMPLETELY different. The people of New Orleans were forced to leave their homes and jobs for months on end. Some were not able to go back to their life at all. I imagine that most of the US could survive being snowed in for a couple of weeks.

    I'll admit that resources were taken advantage of by some, but they were desperately needed by most. The comparison is insulting!

  • heathen

    FYI - they weren't all people of color that got hit in katrina , the people that lived in that area are generally very poor and could not do much without the aid of government . NO was pretty much a tourist trap with most industry in that area. I agree having insurance would have been a wise thing but something of that magnitude needs federal backing because if everybody had insurance and collected at one time there would be a huge crisis and everybodies rates would sky rocket . I can't believe their plan was to shack up at the super dome in that situation and they didn't even have a safe haven . Unbelievable. I look around here in texas and wonder what to do in case of tornado , there aren't any shelters around and these homes are not built to withstand one. Of course the government answer is build your own tornado shelter , now something just doesn't seem right about that .If we can raise taxes for ball parks and football stadiums I think we can have some friggen shelters .

    The comparison is insulting!



  • MadTiger

    Anytime I can predict a poster's color and political leanings by their post,
    that is a shame.

    Damn Rush Limbaughs in this place lately.

  • sinis

    I politely disagree. The governments responsibility IS NOT to give hand outs.

    The Constitution guarantees the United States people their freedom and rights such as:

    • Freedom of religion
    • Freedom of speech
    • Right to bear arms
    • Right to a trial when accused of a crime, and to know what crime one is accused
    • Right to own property and to expect the government to help protect private property

    No where does the constitution have a provision for tax payer handouts. Everyone is responsible for themselves. Before the good old days of Socialism in this country, where everyone could bitch and get something for nothing, people actually relied on family, friends, and the community. Katrina and other disasters are sad, but people should realize that if you live in a danger zone and something happens, no one is to blame but themselves. Should I build a house in Death Valley and then bitch to the government that I need, no deserve free water and a meal ticket for my poor choice? No, thats absurd.

    When government starts to take the roll of handout giver you enter into a Socialist society, because where does it end? Socialism does not work, and although most people WANT government to tell them where to live, when to eat, and what to wear, I would prefer to keep govt out of my bed.

  • sinis
    Anytime I can predict a poster's color and political leanings by their post,
    that is a shame.

    Damn Rush Limbaughs in this place lately.

    If your implying that I am racist your sadly mistaken. Rather I pointed out the facts of society in general. Please correct me if I am wrong. My arguement does not hinge on minorities, it applies to whites, browns, yellow, etc. every race in this country. It is so easy to jump on the bitch wagon in this country when disaster strikes and blame everyone but yourself, or demand things you are not entitled to. Socialism has taken a foothold and will continue to get worse everytime the fed govt bows to this types of events. Where does it end? Everyone wants something for nothing, and it seems that in general minorities tend to have the loudest voice and most prominent public figures in these situations.

  • LongHairGal


    Even though this is a freak weather event and the people in this neck of the woods are to be commended on their intelligence, resourcefulness and eagerness to help, I do not feel this is a fair comparison to Katrina. For one thing, Katrina absolutely destroyed the flooded areas and some may never be rebuilt again and maybe they should not be rebuilt again because of being in a low-lying area and generally unsafe. In your case, however, the snow will melt and the area will be suitable for living again. This is not necessarily the case with the Katrina ravaged areas. There is also talk about how the local politicians did nothing for decades when they were repeatedly warned the levees would not withstand a category 4-5 hurricane. How could the residents possibly be responsible for this???

    I would be the first one to say that the government doesn't really owe any of us a living in a general sense and that a lot of bad behavior went on during the hurricane but the two situations are so vastly different they cannot be compared.


  • MadTiger

    "it seems general minorities..."

    If what you are saying is true, what does this mean?
    Is it something genetic that we can get some of you to
    splice out? haha.

    I could go on all day with history lessons, but then I caught myself.
    What would be the point? You are totally aware of your own past
    actions and thoughts on minorities, and seem to be reasonably
    lettered, so I would assume you have at least a basic knowledge of
    U.S. history. Why should I recount everything from 1865 onward? Concentration
    camps in this country, water hoses, sit-ins, etc. Nah, I am not feeling like it.
    Why should I even give my own personal examples illustrating my points?

    You would still be Rush Limbaugh, Jr. after it is all said and done.

    They need a Politics/Current Affairsthread to let this plop into.

  • kid-A

    "No where does the constitution have a provision for tax payer handouts."

    > What do you think the purpose of paying taxes is you half-wit? Taxes FUND programs like FEMA, which are in place to assist and protect citizens from natural catastrophies. They pay for the basic infrastructure in a civil society. It was not just people on welfare that got SCREWED by the disastrous federal response to Katrina. The full-time employed, tax-paying middle class was hurt as well and when they expected a return for their tax dollars, they were screwed by an imcompetent, imbecilic federal government too wrapped up in a pointless war in Iraq to give a shit about domestic safety or national disaster preparation.

    "Everyone is responsible for themselves. Before the good old days of Socialism in this country, where everyone could bitch and get something for nothing, people actually relied on family, friends, and the community."

    Whatever. We've heard this Limbaugh-Coulter NEO-CON vomit a million times over and it still smells like the same sh*t. Guess what buddy, disasters happen in people's lives that are BEYOND their control. Do you think New Orleans residents are somehow responsible for what happened because they chose to live in New Orleans, one of the most historical, culture-laden cities in North America? Sociopathic whack-jobs like you who lack any compassion for a fellow human being are why your society is going to hell in a handbasket. If you hate society and your government, go move into a sh*t-shack with the troll "Debbie Lopez" up on the plains of Montana....I suspect you have all the makings for a future una-bomber. As for your delusional "good old days" when people "relied on friends and community", this is just total bullshit. In the good old days, people just died and/or rotted on the streets. This is the social structure you believe represents the ideal?

    "Katrina and other disasters are sad, but people should realize that if you live in a danger zone and something happens, no one is to blame but themselves. Should I build a house in Death Valley and then bitch to the government that I need, no deserve free water and a meal ticket for my poor choice? No, thats absurd. "

    > What a bloody assanine statement. Its so stupid I have no idea where to begin. First, are you comparing NEW ORLEANS with death valley? Are you that f*cking ignorant? Most of those people have been living in New Orleans for GENERATIONS. It was their HOME, their culture, their sense of belonging. People were flooded out of their homes your a**hole, trapped on their rooftops with no food or water. If a stray dog came to my door begging for some food I would feed it. Your moral bankruptcy is so profound you have the audacity to state that these people "got what they deserved" and should have been left to die of thirst and starvation? Your comments on this thread are perhaps the most vile, reprehensible sentiments I have ever read on a discussion board. You are a disgusting excuse for a human being.

  • hambeak

    I have had the opportunity to see both sides of the Katrina coin.

    A lot of the customers I had were katrina refugees and some were lazy and expecting the government to pay for everything. Others here in the Dallas area got off their buts and found jobs.

    Up north I am sure most owned their homes and were not living in a slum which was what most of the 9th ward was. La history has been racist and for the whites to stay in control they had to keep the blacks poor and ignorant and accomplished this by making welfare easy to get and hard to get off of.

    Blacks outnumber whites in New Orleans and for the most part very poor.

    How about where you are?

    Sure the government owes no one anything but a government is judged by how they deal with those less fortunate. The folks in New Orleans had nothing and what they had was washed away.

    Try not to be so synical.

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