Tragic Bush Administration Failure

by DebSmithLopez 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • 5go

    "The world does Not owe you a living"

    I'll remember that when something happens in your neck of the woods that you can't handle and the goverment fails you as well.

  • Bstndance

    You should add that the hospitals didn't euthanize their patients and the cops didn't shoot people on the streets...

  • J-ex-W

    deb--- Please forgive me for saying this: You just displayed a rank degree of ignorance! You need to do some serious research as to what was really happening down there. You honesty sounded just like a tunnel-visioned J-dub spouting off about the WT life/ work ethic vs. Satan's decrepit world's ethics--just as educated and just as erroneously absolute!

  • sinis

    "The world does Not owe you a living"

    I'll remember that when something happens in your neck of the woods that you can't handle and the goverment fails you as well.

    Give me a break! Those poor bastards in Katrina should not have been sucking off the government tit in the first place. The government should ONLY have provided assistance to those in need of rescue, not debit cards, or any other bullshit. If you did not own flood insurance than thats your problem, not the tax payers. Before you say the same thing "I'll remember that when something happens in your neck of the woods that you can't handle and the goverment fails you as well." to me, I will upfront tell you that I DO NOT rely on the government for help, I rely on MYSELF with the assistance of NEIGHBORS and FAMILY.

    Government has basic fundamental functions, and footing the bill for idiots who insist on living in a danger zone is not one of them.

  • frankiespeakin

    "In my many travels, I have noticed that once one gets north of about 48 degrees North Latitude, 90% of the world's social problems evaporate." It does seem that way, at least to me.

    Well, I guess the people where you live are just better people than us who live below the 48 degree Latitude cut off point. Don't you feel just a tad bit like a biggot? Maybe a little a wee bit simplistic, and generalizing, where everything is either black or white in you thinking with out considering finer shades of gray?


    Well, let me tell you the tragedy that happened yesterday south of the 48 degree North Latitude…I was out taking my dog for a walk and looking up at the beautiful Carolina blue skies and It Happened, all of a sudden like! My dog was gone! I looked all around and for what seemed like an eternity I couldn’t find hide nor hair of him! Poof! Gone! Next thing I know he’s coming up out of a mud-puddle, struggling to get to the edge and pull himself out. I almost lost my dog, a Labrador retriever to a dang mud-puddle! What’s wrong with this picture??? It’s the dead of winter and all mud-puddles should be frozen over. I put this situation squarely on the shoulders of President Bush. This administration, Fema, etc., should be warning all of us down here how dangerous it is for us to go outside! Fema should get down here immediately and size up this situation. How many critters are going to be lost before they do something?????

    I know one thing, if many people lose their good coon-hunting, rabbit tracking, squirrel treeing dogs, George W. Bush better watch out! They’ll be more gun-toting pick-up trucks up thar in Washington D.C. than you can shake a stick at!

    I personally think that we got that global warming down here and we all hold Mr. President solely responsible. The weather sure has changed since he took office! We all feel that since we’ve paid in most of our money in taxes, the government owes us an explanation and a darn good living!

    Swalker (Don’t mess with my dog!)

  • Emma

    I think I've seen this before applied to another "event."

  • sinis

    "In my many travels, I have noticed that once one gets north of about 48 degrees North Latitude, 90% of the world's social problems evaporate." It does seem that way, at least to me.

    Well, I guess the people where you live are just better people than us who live below the 48 degree Latitude cut off point. Don't you feel just a tad bit like a biggot? Maybe a little a wee bit simplistic, and generalizing, where everything is either black or white in you thinking with out considering finer shades of gray?

    That statement seems to be more in line with reality, bigotry or not. Why is it that so many minorities DEMAND that they get special attention or handouts from the government? As the poster mentioned, where is Al Sharpton or the other neo-panther leaders? Plan and simple fact, is if it does not involve a large minority populace, who feel they have been foresaken, or shafted by whitey, even when whitey has no control over the incident, then these leaders NEVER show their faces. Bill Cosbey, and Morgan Freeman says it best when they talk about the minorities blaming everone else but themselves for their lot in life.

    Yes Katrina is sad, but NO ONE FORCED YOU TO LIVE THERE AND IF YOU DID YOU SHOULD HAVE HAD A BACK UP PLAN OR INSURANCE, etc. in the event of a disaster.

  • J-ex-W

    ooohhhhhhhhhhhhh, sinis. say it isn't so. I hear these attitudes and my head just shakes s-l-o-w-l-y side to side. I cannot believe my ears/ eyes and my heart just aches......... Please tell me you can learn to open your eyes and heart to the circumstances of people who are NOT you. This is the last post I will do on this thread because it is too core-deep of a hot-button issue for me. It's all I can say. Maybe this thread should be under 'Adult and Heated Debate' category.

  • sinis
    ooohhhhhhhhhhhhh, sinis. say it isn't so. I hear these attitudes and my head just shakes s-l-o-w-l-y side to side. I cannot believe my ears/ eyes and my heart just aches......... Please tell me you can learn to open your eyes and heart to the circumstances of people who are NOT you. This is the last post I will do on this thread because it is too core-deep of a hot-button issue for me. It's all I can say. Maybe this thread should be under 'Adult and Heated Debate' category.

    OK, you tell me what YOUR definition of government is and how far should they go in assisting people?

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