hey expioneers and exelders what goes on during......

by 5go 40 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • james_woods

    As far as the CO x Elders meetings go, one in particular stands out in my mind. They had it at Oak Glen KH in conjunction with a simultaneous DO & CO visit. They called in all the elders from around Oklahoma City. The year was about 1977, so the decline post 1975 was becoming painfully obvious.

    The DO is holding forth on "doing more", not "letting our guard down", blah blah blah. He then specifically asks around the room - "why do you think the brothers are slowing down?"

    You would not have believed the junk answers these elders came up with to skirt around the obvious (1975) answer. Stuff like, well maybe they are getting sidetracked with material things, lots of the young people are having families now and don't pioneer, etc.

    Finally, one really elderly brother sticks up his hand and says "Well, nobody wants to say it, but I think it is because things just did not come to pass the way we were led to believe". Stunned silence for about 45 seconds.

    Then the DO picks it right back up, says well thank you brother X, and then just seamlessly barges on with "OK, well how can we help get these young people with the new babies back out into the Kingdom Service" - no comment on the false prophecy; just like the old guy had never even said it.

    There was one other incident where we had a particularly "free spending" CO. After the CO meeting, he leaves the room, and the Elders meet to approve his expenses. This guy could rack up about 4 times the normal expense account of other COs. I remember it got pretty interesting as the elders went through it line by line and critized every item. They ended up paying it, though, without challenging a thing.

  • free2think

    I hated the pioneer meetings, being put on the spot if you hadn't answered up yet, everyone trying to look good in front of the CO. One particular meeting just after the draw close book had been released the CO asked how many had read the book, we had to put up our hands. I had just finished it, (I read it in week, just before pioneer school as I knew he would ask who had read it, which he did, gold star for me, what a waste of a week that was).

    Another meeting it was about material things, and we were told not to have credit cards or to go on exotic holidays.

    At pioneer school we were also told not to be fashionable or trendy as this would stumble our bro's and sis. Of course I didn't listen, naughty me.


  • BluesBrother

    I generally avoided the Pioneer Meeting , not being one. The C/O meeting with M/S & Elders was a very perfunctory run through of the most boring talk outline you can imagine ( he had to do it every week) always prefaced by an apologetic comment that "The Society insist that I stick exactly to the outline"..

    After the M/S were dismissed the real meeting got under way. As I recall, the local P/O presided and we would have what was pretty much a normal elders meeting except we would debate the appointment or deletion of any brothers as "appointed men"

    Nothing very exciting, is it? At least the C/O generally made sure that it did not go on, and on, and on like some did .

  • Mulan
    At pioneer school we were also told not to be fashionable or trendy as this would stumble our bro's and sis. Of course I didn't listen, naughty me.

    Wow, when I went to pioneer school the CO's told us to dress well, and to wear the most expensive clothing we could afford because we needed to "present well".

    How to work the gossip grapevine to your theocratic and social advantage

    I know that comment was tongue in cheek, but there is some truth to it. My husband said a CO once told the elder body that the way to get their finger on the pulse of the congregation was to send their wives in mid week service and get the gossip. True story!

  • Warlock

    You would not have believed the junk answers these elders came up with to skirt around the obvious (1975) answer. Stuff like, well maybe they are getting sidetracked with material things, lots of the young people are having families now and don't pioneer, etc.

    Finally, one really elderly brother sticks up his hand and says " Well, nobody wants to say it, but I think it is because things just did not come to pass the way we were led to believe ". Stunned silence for about 45 seconds.


    That is just classic. LOL!


  • willyloman
    Boring as hell because no real issues were ever discussed.

    Typical CO-visit conversation at elders' meeting:

    CO: So, why do you brothers think the meeting attendance is down?

    Elders: ... (silence)...

    CO: Well?

    Elders: Um, the friends just don't have the appreciation for the fine food provided by the faithful and discreet slave.

    CO: Okay, thank you. Any other comments?

    Elders: ... (silence)...

    CO: Well, okay, then, work on it. Let's go on to the next item.

  • deaconbluez

    Actually the CO's meeting with the elders was much more interesting than you might think.

    At this one very uncharacteristic meeting with the CO, he wanted to discuss phone sex. It was really surreal. He was like, "Now you brothers need to realize that if you're on the phone with somebody you're not married to, and either one of you masterbate to the point of climax while on the phone, then that's loose conduct. And that goes for instant message chat and webcams as well." I was like WTF.

  • JWdaughter

    I sounds like Rebel8 had the most fun meetings. . .

  • wannaexit

    Funny, I pioneered for close to 2 decades and for the life of me cant remember anything meaninful that the "circuit overlord" had to say.

    The only thing that comes to mind is one particular time, where no one got their time for the year. The whole group of pioneers really got a verbal lashing from the circuit chief. He scolded the group for working too many days and that we needed to accomplish the ministry fully and spent no more than 2 days in secular work. What an ass

  • Lo-ru-hamah

    Like others have stated they really were just pep talks. However, I do remember the last pioneer meeting I went to. It was the one that they have on Friday before the Circuit Assembly. The Circuit Overseer conducting the meeting actually told all the pioneers there that we were better than the rest of the witnesses. I was horrified. After the meeting we were having dinner with my pioneer mother-in-law and elder father-in-law. We were discussing the meeting and I said that I thought that they were wrong in saying that we were better than everyone else. My father-in-law said that I was wrong and that those that made the self sacrafice to pioneer were better than everyone else. Needless to say, that was my last ever meeting. I quit shortly afterwards. It still makes me sick to my stomach when I think about it.


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