What makes you HAPPY about life when it all seems so FUTILE?

by hamsterbait 25 Replies latest jw friends


    Hammy..What do you mean you don`t drink,unless you want to die?..Thats f*cked up man!..Get in your hamster wheel and do a few laps..LOL!!..Hammy rent in a few comedys..Go out for Dinner with someone..Do Something Positive!!..Right Friggin Now!!..HAPPY NEW YEAR HAMMY!!...OUTLAW

  • rekless

    I'm still breathing.

  • Warlock
    What do YOU do when you feel this empty?

    I've been feeling empty for a little while.

    I just give it time and eventually it goes away. The only problem is the waiting.


  • LittleToe

    So often life seems much better than the alternative...

  • Narkissos

    Perhaps one achievement of the quest for meaning is growing a taste for nonsense?

  • esw1966

    I'm not sure this is what you are looking for, but.....

    As a jw, I was searching for happiness and thinking I was happy and when I wasn't that it was my fault somehow.

    What I have discovered, and this may sound so odd, is that true happiness can only be found in Christ and his love and the sure hope that his death brings us. When you accept that and foster it you are filled with holy spirit.

    I had NEVER felt JOY before as this! When I read spiritual matters or think about them or hear Christian praise music the feeling I get inside is that of Snoopy doing the JOY dance!!! That is the description that I feel in my heart.

    Life is NOT futile. Bringing Christ into my life has caused me to be in love with him, has made me a new person, and has made me feel as if I am never alone. My motivations have been totally changed! I don't even recognize myself! When I did it I had no idea what I was in for! I am in awe and shock at what has happened to me and I KNOW that it was NOT ME who did all this change in me!

    I know it sounds so bizarre, but it has been my experience. I fully recommend it!

    Resources: Cornwall Church, Christ the King, and a book called 'What Every Christian Ought to Know by Adrian Rogers.

    I hope that helps.

  • Soledad
    Perhaps one achievement of the quest for meaning is growing a taste for nonsense?

    Now there you go. It is *not* futile. It's what you make of it and nothing more. The way I see it, many of us are still sooooo conditioned to the WTS way of thinking, ie: we have to be practical and not employ time and energy into things that are not productive, etc.......who gives a rat's ass?? These days, I spend my time visiting celebrity websites.....why?......because I CAN and that is what makes me happy RIGHT NOW..it's not like I'll become obsessed nor will I throw my life away......I still have a job and I still carry out most of my responsibilities as any normal adult would....but it's what makes me happy today.......who cares? When it's all said and done, the time you enjoyed wasting was not wasted time at all.....

  • hopie


    Happiness comes from within, learning to love (yourself) before you can love and appreciate anything or anyone else. People or material things cannot make you happy.

    Author John Gray wrote a book that turned my thinking around..." How To Get What You Want, and Want What You Have" He also wrote "Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus"

    Most of us have been where you are, you are not alone, but never give up in finding the answers for yourself.


  • blondie

    Don't try to live in the past or the future. Life is right now, this moment.

    My husband and I have gone through some serious health crises. We realized that we had waste many moments of life worrying about the past or the future.

    Happiness too is not a constant condition. It comes and goes and is based mostly on small events, small things.


  • Blueblades

    The man that wrote the books on "Don't Sweat The Small Stuff", died a couple of weeks ago. He was 44 years old. What happened to him?


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