Dress Code and Conduct Policies?

by onlycurious 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • onlycurious

    Do jw's have a dress code in general and for field work?

    The gals I know always look put together. I live in a hick town where it pours rain and is muddy. I run around in my jeans and sweatshirts and the jw's are dressed from head to toe in dresses and heels.

    What's up with that? Do they always have to wear skirts and dresses?

    Also, the cars in the parking lot are pretty nice cars. As mentioned, our area is not the wealthiest place in our area. Lot's of lower income families but non of them seem to attend the kh.

  • Schism

    They don't have to wear them every day. You've probably seen them running around knocking on doors, and yeah they do have to wear skirts and suits for that occasion.

    As for the nice cars, I can't help you there...

  • looking_glass

    Depending on the old men who run the joint, there may be a "dress code". We had a CO by the name of Brother Chinn (I think that was the spelling) he was in the northern area of the Midwest. Anyways, he always made it his mission to tell the ladies in the hall to dress up and used the following saying "every old barn needs a new coat of paint". Yes ladies, that was his way of motivating us all. Needless to say, when he was coming to town, not only would I not wear a lick of make-up, I pull my hair back in a pony tail and wear denim dresses (so I looked more like a pentecostal then a JW, but what did I care). So, if the elders in that hall make a big deal about the chicks looking good all the time because it would be a reproach to look bad, even on your day off, then I would say yes, there is a dress code in place.

  • onlycurious

    Looking_glass....you're such a rebel. lol

  • searching4truth

    we had one CO tell the sisters it was indecent if they didn't ware stockings with there dresses

  • looking_glass
    we had one CO tell the sisters it was indecent if they didn't ware stockings with there dresses

    Well maybe that is because he felt indecent when he was in a dress and CFM heels and no stockings. You know what they say about projecting onto others (don't you)

  • Schism

    Yeah S4T (that's umm, short for searching4truth...be on the lookout, I will be calling you that from now on)

    All the little old ladies here believe a woman is naked if she doesn't have her panyhose on. Nevermind that hose are see through.

  • JWdaughter

    JWs are encouraged to dress in clean neat clothes, suits and dresses. So far as the cars, I noticed in my area that the cars were kind of the only status symbol (after a fashion) that JWs approved of. One nice couple with 2 children managed an apartment building. I was told by this (very nice sister) that they could afford to keep a newer model minivan or they could buy a house. With the door to door work, it made more sense for her to manage the apartment complex and buy a new vehicle every few years-because it helped to give a good witness. I don't think she would have gotten any JW cred for a ferrari, but they were lauded as keeping their priorities right. Of course, their kids grew up in apartments when they weren't going door to door with their mom. The apartments wouldn't be so bad if the poor kids ever got to play like normal kids. Mom was a pioneer who dragged them along with her. And she was a GOOD pioneer, didn't get the minimum hours!

  • thebiggestlie

    you had bro chin as you CO? i had him two Co's ago and he was one of the strictest ones we knew. The elders including my father whera scared silly of that guy. I overheard a conversation where my father even referred to him as unloving and cold (gasps!) lol

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Onlycurious,

    Welcome to the board!

    Ever neat! Ever clean! A visiting Sunday speaker was emphatic that we should always be presentable. For example, a brother is covered from head to toe in grease while working on his car. He discovers that he needs another part and makes a run to the parts store. Whoa brother! First, he must clean himself up to make a proper [?] appearance in town. Otherwise he would bring reproach on Jehovah. Of course, the assumption is that everyone spotting him must know that he is a JW, that he couldn't possibly be dressed for any activity other than service or meetings, and that the viewing public must really care. I don't think so.


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