visiting 'apostate sites' - spying - can it be done?

by unhappy 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gill

    If its any help, once we get onto our computer we can easily check what the kids have been looking at on the internet.....easily!

    However, we couldn't do that from our other computer.

  • frozen one
    frozen one

    then passwords you have already set up for certain websites will have to be re-setup each time you log on

    That happens every time Norton does a clean up on my computer. I downloaded a program called Roboform that stores all my logon names and passwords. When I enter a site that needs logon info, Roboform pops up and fills in the form. The only password I need to remember is the one to open Roboform. I would guess that there are other similar programs out there also.

  • Amazing

    I used to feel concern about this, especially when I traced a hack attempt several tims coming from the WTS. However, what I did years ago was to take these steps:

    1. Bought a separate PC that never connects to the Internet. That way my files are secure.

    2. Never access the Internet from any of my own computers, but always someone else's.

    Since the Society knows who I am, and they even have my Social Security number, address, etc., I have little to hide. Being disassociated helps too. They have all of that because I am involved in giving depositions and testimony.

    Obey these rules at all times:

    1. Never post anything that is a copyright infringement, or a violation of fair use* when quoting, and properly cite your source.

    2. Avoid making threats, or liablous (slander in writing) type of statements.

    3. Always tell the truth.

    I see many ex-JWs violate these at times thinking that they are immune from the Watchtower Society. If the Society gets its little panties up in a wade, they can and will file suit against ex-JWs for the above violations. They do read ex-JW discussion boards, but would have to file a complaint to get your personal information. But, once they copy it and file the complaint, they can make life tough for an ex-JW.

    * Fair Use is poorly defined in my opinion. But you can look up copyrights on the Internet and get the law as it is stated.

    Jim Whitney Happy New Year!!!

  • zensim

    I don't have the same experience with two computers but I will share my experience. I was looking on the web for a good five months after I started to have serious doubts. But I kept it secret from my husband. I was so scared to tell him. I knew I had to but didn't even know where to start.

    I didn't even know about 'history' on the browser (don't even know if 'browser' is the right term, I am very computer illiterate). And one day out of the blue he just said to me "You have been reading a lot of strange stuff lately?". I don't think he was deliberately spying on me, he just uses 'history' for his own purposes and he happened to see my websites. Anyway, it was the best thing that ever happened. I just told him honestly I was having serious doubts and shared with him something I had recently been looking at (on the blood issue) and that was that. He stopped being a jw alongside me.

    I even said to him last night that I can't imagine how difficult it must be for those whose partners still remain a witness - I have so much admiration for you. I don't believe our marriage would have survived - but that's just me.

    Anyway, I am just sharing my experience to say, yes, I understand paranoia and nearly everyone leaving gets thrown into paranoia and terror. It is a natural progression as we shed beliefs, not just at the level of the mind but also emotionally. So be cautious, but don't be paranoid - in my case it was a blessing in disguise and it helped my husband leave also.

  • LittleToe

    While it is possible it's unlikely. They would have to know a reasonable amount about computer security and proxy servers. It's for you to judge whether you think the main computer owner has access to such expertise.

    LT, of the "formerly a hacker and security advisor" class.

  • unhappy

    Thanks everyone for all your advice, it has really helped me. Will keep you posted on any further developments.

    Happy New Year everyone

  • Alpheta

    Wouldn't the problem be solved by you using a password on your own computer? Unless anyone else knows or can guess the password, they would not be able to access your computer. I have a set-up on my home computer where more than one person can use this one computer, but if a user's access is password protected and someone logging on to another's "account" does not know the password, they can't access the user's account, files, etc.

  • aniron

    Download an internet washer.

    Use it after each time you have been on. It will wipe every site you have visited off your computer.

    You can pick one up from somwhere like

  • blondie
  • What-A-Coincidence


    If you are both sharing a router to access the internet then your safe

    NOT TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    If you share the same ROUTER then it is possible to see what sites have been visited. Mostly depends on the router though. me and I call assist you.

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