Are you still scared of Jehovah?

by MsMcDucket 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • free2beme

    Not in the least

  • ICBehindtheCurtain

    Absolutely NOT! I don't believe in that lying, selfish, abusive, phsycotic man made god anymore than I believe in Santa Claus, oh, Santa is real ! I do however believe in a Creator, and instead of me being afraid of him, I am at times in awe when contemplating his creation.


  • Fisherman

    Yes I am.

  • diamondblue1974

    Which goes to show that the WTS lie when they say that godly fear is a positive fear of upsetting a father; its not...its about fear of going against the society that they really want to instill.

    On another note how the hell could I actually be scared of a God who has not had the balls to make an appearance in goodness knows how many centuries? Either he doesnt exist (which I am inclined to believe) or he simply doesnt deserve my fear in any respect.


  • avidbiblereader

    Scared and fear to me are two different things, I am not scared of Jehovah and especially since I have really gotten to know Him through His Son and reading the Bible. I now see Him as the loving Father that He is and not the person the witnesses have described Him, a person who could never be pleased. I fear Him as I did and still do my father who is now 86 years old, but not scared in the sense that we were all taught.


  • luna2

    Jehovah? What Jehovah? He's a WTS sock puppet.

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