New messages!

by Justahuman24 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • Justahuman24

    OK. So I just have a question.

    I keep getting the "1 new messages" when I log in but I can't see the darn message. How do I see the messages? What do I have to do? I use Internet Explorer at work and Foxzilla at work but I have the same problem with both browsers. Thanks in advance for your help, guys!!!

    justahuman - but super nonetheless

  • avidbiblereader

    check out the other thread on message started today. many of us are having the same situation and it has been answered


  • fullofdoubtnow

    Hi Justahuman,

    What happens is that sometimes people attempt tp spam the forum, and many posters get the "one new message" in their inbox. The message has been blocked so you don't have to read it, it's usually rubbish anyway, but it registers as a new message. That will disappear after about a month. It's nothing to worry about at all.


  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Hi justahuman

    You need to run your mouse pointer over where it says "inbox 1 new message" and click. The ones in bold type are new unread messages.

    If there's nothing there when you get to your inbox it usually means admin have deleted a spam message before you got to read it!

  • Justahuman24

    Thank you guys.

    I guess it's spam then! Darn! And I felt special because I thought someone had sent me a message! Oh well! LOL

    justahuman - but super nonetheless

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