I need your advice

by cecil 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • cecil

    I need your advice: I have written a letter to my branch office regarding my problems with the 607-chronology – 60+ pages with short references about the issue, that I have collected through the past 9-10 years. At the end of my letter I asked 14 questions – 7 questions regarding the biblical evidence against the 607 BCE-chronology and 7 questions regarding the historical and astronomical evidence against it.

    The letter I received as an “answer” did not contain anything that could qualify as an answer or even an attempt to answer my questions. I called the branch office by phone and talked to the brother who had written the “answer”. We talked for 30-35 minutes and he explained why he/the branch office could not offer an explanation: The faithful and discreet slave and the brothers at the writing department i Brooklyn know about the information that I refer to in my letter and that they have considered these things already...It’s not new info for them and I should wait upon Jehovah and meanwhile keep quiet about the issue, or... Something similar to what the elders in my local congregation have told me.

    During the phone-call I refered to a special problem with our local version of the NWT (Jer. 29:10 is rendered “for Babylon” instead of “at Babylon” as in most (all?) other languages) and the question that I had asked regarding it. A few days later I received a special written answer to this inquiry, saying that there is no difference between the expressions “for Babylon” and “at Babylon” in this verse, if one takes into account what the surrounding verses say.

    Needless to say, what I think about these two letters and the phone-conversation...

    Now comes the point where I need advice: I don’t know if I should write another letter to the branch office, to tell them what I think about their so-called ”answers” and ask them once more to to at least try to answer my questions. I can imagine that the next letter maybe would contain as much “hot air” as the first. But should I just give it up? They don’t understand because they don’t want to understand… Is that what I have learned? And that’s it? I simply don’t know if that should be it – should I do more?

    Please give me some advice, what you would do in my situation. Thanks!


  • nytelecom1

    when they got your "60 page" letter,
    they probably laughed and said ...here we go again

  • MrMoe 2
    MrMoe 2

    Not advice you are looking for but - the book of Revelation refers to Babylon as a city. I can look it up later.

  • stevieb1

    The weight of evidence against 607BCE is indeed immense and largely undisputable, and I reckon that the Society know this only to well. My theory is they will let the old battered chronology of the "seven Gentile Times" slip away gradually or they will continue to hold to this untruth to their detriment.

    If you are a baptized Witness, any further letters disputing the "accepted chronology" could cause you trouble in the long run as they will begin to treat you the same way as they treated Carl Olaf Jonnson who wrote The Gentile Times Reconsidered. Letters from the Branch Office will be couched in love and concern for your spiritual welfare but the truth is they will want to silence you and "protect the flock". They may already suspect you of reading "apostate" literature by raising the subject in the first place.

    Regarding any further correspondence with the Society, I would certainly err on the side of caution. Part of you may want to "sock it to em", I know, I have also felt that way, but with closed minds your research, however true will usually be rejected as "running ahead of the organization/Jehovah." My guess is that accurate Biblical research that is sent in to the Branch Office is not taken seriously unless you are of a high rank and preferably one of the "anointed". You may hope that the Society may turn around suddenly and send you a letter to the effect that "we accept your findings and will announce the truth of the matter at our next
    district convention, but,this miracle has yet to happen.

    The knowledge that you have acquired on 607 (and probably other matters) brings with it responsibility. You may feel obliged to speak up for truth, and this is commendable, but you also run the risk of being disfellowshipped and losing any friends you may have in your congregation. So my advice would be to to leave it as a matter of prayer, because God know's best and he will guide your conscience in the right way. I would also ask you to pray that he will reveal the correct path to others that have a responsibility to speak out for the truth - the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses.



  • ashitaka

    my friend did the same thing-don't expect an answer. At least, don't expect one that makes sense beyond the usual-"new light will appear."

  • drahcir yarrum
    drahcir yarrum

    My advice is to quit trying to reason with liars. The WTS is full of liars and decievers.

    Take up a nice hobby that provides you with enjoyment and satisfies your inner need for accomplishment.

    If you find yourself anywhere near a Kingdom Hall, immediately turn in the other direction and head that way.

    Peace be with you and enjoy this life to the fullest.

  • AlanF

    No one can really tell you what you ought to do about this. Only you can decide, after hearing some relevant comments.

    You've experienced exactly what dozens of others have when they've written to the Society about chronology problems. The Society's leaders know perfectly well that the evidence is 99.9% against them, but because they also know that to jettison the 1914 chronology would cause a huge number of JWs to lose faith in their claim to be "God's spokesmen", they won't act. What a lot of them do is convince themselves that somehow, some way, they're right in spite of the evidence. So nothing will change unless they can somehow figure out a way to jettison the doctrine without weakening their claim that they were appointed by divine fiat to their special position in 1919. The call to "wait on Jehovah" amounts to them buying time while they figure out a way to maintain their position.

    If you want to write a 2nd letter and point out what was wrong with the first answer, by all means do so, but do it respectfully and in a low-key tone. These days it's pretty unlikely that you'll get in much trouble, as long as you make it clear that the dialog is between you and the Society alone (and perhaps a close relative or friend), and that you're not a threat by reason of wanting to spread your views around the congregation. That's what they really hate because it creates a lot more work for them.

    Of course, you already know that you'll never get any kind of substantive answers from these bozos. That's because they know they can't refute the evidence, so they have to use other means to keep you quiet. And if you want to quit, that's fine with them, too. One less potential troublemaker to deal with.


  • mymailmum

    I feel so sad for you...you have given so much of your life to Jehovah and then you gave up when under test.

    Jehovah does not forget what you did for his name. But girl, you failed a test that all of Jehovah's Witnesses have to go thru. WE DO NOT SERVE AND WORSHIP PEOPLE, ESPECIALLY IMPERFECT PEOPLE!

    You were tested like Job but you forgot to turn to Jehovah in pray to help you during the hardest test we all go thru. He would have guided you on what to do... then you would know for sure that He is real.

    Are you with your new church people praising Jehovah and teaching people about the only hope of the Kingdom? You know you
    are not...but you know deep down that is what we are to do.

    Jehovah has a perfect track record, EVERYTHING he says is going to happen...

    Jesus said these apostates would come. They have all decided to jump off the bridge and you have followed. Just like Judas Escariot.

    If I would have stayed in the Kingdom Hall just because of the people, imperfect people just like me, believe me I would have left a long time ago. I love Jehovah and if he allows certain things to continue for a time, then that is His decision.

    Satan is the one testing all of Jehovah's people...he wants company.
    And all those aposates that have failed their test of faith in Jehovah want company too. And they cry about it all over the internet.

    Why are they not coming to my door if they are so loving and they know what is going to happen in the future?

    I cannot begin to tell you all the stuff I have personally gone thru over the years but I can tell you, I have seen ALOT. And each time I have had to make personal adjustments and sometimes even changed congregations where there were even apostates within, girl we are close to the end and you HAVE TO have a close relationship with Jehovah to get thru this. It is the only way...Please find a Hall that you feel comfortable and loved in...I know it is there for you... for sure...I trust in Jehovah! NOT imperfect MAN!

  • detective

    Cutting and pasting responses greatly reduces your witnessing time. It would be better if you could address each thread individually. This will maiximize the time that you can count.
    Remember, you're not just cheating yourself out of valuable time, you're cheating Jehovah. Isn't love for Jah worth more than the quick fix cut and paste?

  • AlanF

    A fascinating response by mymailmum. It nicely mimics the sort of irrelevant, emotionally manipulative pseudo-response the Society always gives to hard questions.


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