So what'd you get? Loot reports here...

by frozen one 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dismembered

    More wine.


  • misanthropic

    ::A switchblade... (He informs me that they are legal in Arizona and that it would be wrong not to own one.)
    Thats right they are, which is why I bought one last year. I love knives.

  • Rebirth

    I gave a lot of gifts to my friends and clients. I got nothing back, but honestly, it really doesn't bother me. I enjoyed giving and seeing their pleasure. I got two secret santa gifts (a Christmas ornament and a box of gourmet popcorn) and a beautiful little book from an angel here on JWD. I also gave myself a jade bracelet. Wrapped it up and put it under the tree as a gift from Santa.

  • Justice-One

    LRB ARMS M14SA....Geez, I LOVE rich friends!

  • kitten whiskers
    kitten whiskers

    1st gift--from God. No JWs knocking at door to see if they could ruin our 1st christmas!!!! lol

    I am hard to shop for. We went to a huge mall a few weeks ago and hubby had me look around. I picked out a beautiful set of new silverware. Its good stuff. Heavy. I believe you could use it as a weapon! lol! A necklace and earrings (cz set in sterling silver- The look of diamonds without the price!)

    The kids picked out their own gifts for everyone. Our 7 year old daughter gave me some super soft chenille slipper socks. Warm and cozy--wore them all day. Our 5 year old gave me a new Bill Engvall CD. I love his comedy and always borrowed my dad's copies for long trips with the kids. Now that we moved, I need my own! YEA!

    My dad sent money, so did one grandma. The other grandma sent a christmas decorating/cooking hardcover book and a glass torch lamp with hummingbirds painted on it (we discussed them visiting our feeders this past summer even though we were hundreds of miles apart we had a common thing to discuss happening). Oh and she also sent some musical lights that I strung over the kitchen counters, a snowman stocking that giggles and 3 lace panels that hang on the wall with the 12 days of christmas. Now I know what they are so the kids and I could sing it! I was really suprised with how she went all out on us all. I guess she's super happy we're celebrating. My dad is her only child (he was never a jw) and she only has 2 grandchildren. So this is the first for her since we were little. And she even spoiled the kids and hubby! She was so excited she bought for the other great-grandkids and is holding their presents until later so she can have a little party with them. She asked " What do call a winter party?" So she could celebrate SOMETHING with them.

  • mama1119

    2 pilates DVD's

    Pilates set (the lifters and pilates band etc)

    Baby and me Yoga video'

    2 Nike yoga outfits


    both Greys anatomy CD;s

    Bobbi Brown makeup

    Car seat covers


    Hair products/blow dryer/brush

    antique quartz ring

    stainless steel and copper pots and pan set

    a beautiful pottery set


    cashmere pants and jacket set

    there is some other goodies but I can't think right now!


  • uwishufish

    The wise men I know brought me Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh. I threw the frankincense and myrrh away but kept the gold.

    I wonder if Joseph used his to buy a room the next night at the Wyndham Bethlehem Resort?

    Just what did he do with the Gold?

  • liquidsky

    I got: a spoiler for my car, a san disk portable mp3 player, a jump rope with a little digital thingy that tells me how many calories I burn, a mahjong set, a slider necklace, a macy's gift card, a visa gift card, and lots and lots of goddies and candy.

  • whyizit

    Besides the hospital bills and the "surprise" ( negative ) from my bank....

    Cologne from my son, My husband searched and found a CD with my favorite Christmas song, AND My exceptional Secret Santa was very generous and did "oh, so well"!!!!!

    Rebirth got me a set of salt and pepper shakers, cappucino, and a book about horses! I swear, I could feel sunshine radiating out of that gift box! Thank you so much, Rebirth!

    And I would also like to thank Abandoned, AK-Jeff, Honesty, By The Beach, and my other JWD friends who have helped me A LOT with their encouragement and advice. I love you all!

  • zanex

    I know this is gonna sound cheesy but this is what I got for christmas...

    I got my daughter to stay over xmas eve..we went down xmas tree lane, had a GREAT dinner and put some milk and cookies out for santa and then tucked her away to a story about "twas the night before christmas" that had even ME wondering what was going to happen that night.

    I think my ultimate gift though was the xpression on her face in the morning when she ran out into the living room and instead of going for the mountain of presents she went for the plate and the glass of milk that had been emptied by Santa...she turned to me and said, "look daddy! Santa ate the cookies!" For that one split instant I saw it...I saw that fat, white dude in the red suit eating cookies and drinking milk while kicking his boots off onto my coffee table.

    for the first time in over 25 years it was so real, I could feel it, see it, hold some type of belief without feeling like i had an instant rebuttal for why it was wrong. This whole thing is what I got for christmas and I think I enjoyed it more than any material thing I could have been given, but I was given the obligatory "dad" 5 year old kiddo got me a tie with a christmas tree on it that when u push a button on it the darn thing sings "silent night"! Good grief...I so felt like I was on an episode of the Anyhow...thats what I got and I LOvED IT! MErry Freaking Christmas!


    (of the usually down class but on cloud nine at the moment class)

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