An Antidote To 'Screen Sickness'.

by hillary_step 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • hillary_step


    This does indeed sound a fascinating area of exploration and would seem to attack at root the difficulty that most of us have is assessing the worth of a persons work without the introduction of the common 'human' predjudices that often mar our judgments.

    It has to do with the accuracy of human jugement. The specific data I am looking at, has to do with the judgement managers make when they appraise their employees performance. The standard way of determining their accuracy is to compare their ratings with someone else's ratings who also knows the employees.

    Just a question or two to clarify the MO as in conventional analysis it seems that 'knowing' the employee is crucial to the accuracy of report.

    If the work that a person does is more easily assessed, for example a salesman hits his target of 30,000 widget sale per month, is punctual good natured and dedicated, would the system work as well for example with a social worker, whose qualities are measured against much more abstract assesments and more difficult to quantify?

    Would a specific model need to be set up for 'types' of employment? If so how would it address the change in social attitudes toward performance that that alter with time. For example, the sucessful manager of 20 years ago would perhaps be judged sorely lacking in life skills in todays business world. Does the model 'average out' performance?

    Forgive my ignorance, this area of expertise is way outside my own, but it does interest me.

    Best to you Larc - HS

  • hillary_step


    I will try to find that quotation for you.

    Now. I understand the reason for your reasoned posts, the work break! I often wonder what some of the posters do for a living and how they find the time to keep up with the reading.

    I do not think I will ever be able to view a kitchen plunger in quite the same way again! Is plunger size really important?

    Take care Ginny, cherish your life, you really seem to have it under your control, a rare thing these days.

    Have a great weekend - HS

  • slipnslidemaster

    I never look at it. I just download it.

    Slipnslidemaster: "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

    - Ben Franklin

  • joelbear


    Thanks for a very constructive thread.

    I read a lot for relaxation, anything from science fiction to philosophy (is there a difference?).

    I garden

    I cook

    I dabble in painting.

    I write and work on my web site.



  • ISP

    Well, I like to hit a few cricket balls. I should be able to play for a club next season!

    I also play squash 2-3 times a week.


  • larc


    The study I described does not address the degree of dificulty in appraising different jobs, sales versus social workers, in your example. My study simply shows the three statistical tools that are avialable to determine the degree of accuracy. However, if the job of social work can not be judged as easily, then the methods I described would show a lower index of accuracy.

    I am doing another study which does related to your question. I have found 300 stuies that give the correlation between two people appraising others. I have organized these by level of job complexity: 1. Unskilled/semiskilled, 2. Skilled, 3. Professional, and 4. Managerial. As I expected. The correlation goes down and job complexity goes up. The average correlation at level one is .75, while the average correlation at level four is .56.

    I have put about 6 months into these two research studies, and need a couple more months to complete the data analysis and the write up of the results. When I get back into this, you won't see much of me here. Though I am retired, I thoroughly enjoy this research. Fortunately, I have found a new PhD researcher who is hungry to publish, so he offers the university resources, and his ideas to my effort. He graduated from the same school I did, and had the same major advisor I did many years ago, so we work well together.

  • dubla


    well, personally i have been the main player in yks latest debate. i posted many a reply on the thread you speak of, and this has been, for the most part, entertaining. i realize you do not wish to bring yourself down to that level; to argue a pointless debate with a lunatic like yk that obviously has no end. i respect that, he really could be considered a waste of time by many standards. i certainly do not think though, that the "balance of" my "mind is perhaps becoming excessively wound up with WTS & XJW matters..." in fact, i do not dwell upon or even consider these matters during my own free time in the evenings and on the weekends. now i do not argue that my time here in the office could probably be spent wiser, and perhaps i should be making fewer posts and more sales calls. so goes the life of a salesman. sometimes you just get used to making money without actually working at it, and then you spend some of your company time amusing yourself by debating and discrediting false prophets like yk, or joining in on other pointless discussions/debates on this forum. i cannot deny that i enjoy these discourses.

    in my own free time though, to answer your question, i often enjoy reading, catching up on the news (which recently has been nothing but the wtc attacks and subsequent actions), watching a football game, spending time with friends and family, feeding the neighborhood strays (fred, feel free to stop by anytime for a free meal), lifting weights, jogging (although i havent been doing enough of this one lately), cooking, etc, etc, etc. surfing the internet is not included in this list, for i do not even have internet access at home.

    i have noticed you have recently gone to some lengths in voicing your opinion that this discussion with yk is an extreme waste of time, going so far as to say that those engaged in the discussion must have a brain made of cabbage (probably not in so many words, i cant remember the exact statement off hand). did this particular "wager" of yks and the reactions/replies that followed really bother you that much? perhaps downplaying it to such a high degree is a way to stroke your own ego......sort of saying "im above all that, and why on earth would anyone waste valuable time/brain cells on it??" just an observation. once again, i do respect your particular choice not to engage in it. not everyone is as amused by yk as i am.


  • dubla


    ps: re-reading my post it seems to have a certain negative tone toward you......just so you dont get the wrong idea, personally ive enjoyed your posts whenever ive come across them. they are always intelligent, well thought out, and your use of subtle humor and sarcasm almost always induces a chuckle.


  • Yerusalyim

    Making love to my wife is my favorite relaxation/sreen recovery program.

    "Vanity! It's my favorite sin!"
    [Al Pacino as Satan, in "DEVIL'S ADVOCATE"]

  • hillary_step


    ps: re-reading my post it seems to have a certain negative tone toward you......just so you dont get the wrong idea, personally ive enjoyed your posts whenever ive come across them. they are always intelligent, well thought out, and your use of subtle humor and sarcasm almost always induces a chuckle.

    No offense taken Jdubla, thank you for your comments. Actually even YK grew tired of his own thread and has apparently gone elsewhere to spread prophetic mayhem. If you see a wild, one-eyed person dressed like Isaiah condemning the quality of the coffee in your local McDonalds - you know who it is.

    Best regards to you - HS

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