Were You Ever Falsely Accused By The Elders Regarding Anything???

by minimus 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • done4good

    "Just to let you know we're thinking of you during this testing time regarding your health. The principle in the scripture that things are established by having 2 or 3 witnesses, can be applied to accepting a diagnosis of our health. Let 2 or 3 independent authorities agree about it then we in the congregation can accept it. One's spiritual health must not be neglected."

    Unbelieveable. I don't even know what to say to that. Sorry for my long-winded story, seems rather trite now.


  • compound complex
  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    Got a phone call from an elder, (a person I studied with who became a witnoid and later an elder) who said that he and brother "so and so" wanted to "meet with me" after the Sunday meeting. I asked if it was a judicial matter. He said no. When I told him that "we want to meet with you" is what an elder says when he's on a pre-judicial visit, he said it wasn't like that. I said, ok, then what does this concern? He said, "We'd rather talk about it Sunday when we can both be there." I said, "It's not a judicial matter so it's not necessary for you both to be there. If you're calling me as a friend and not as an official elder, then tell me what it's concerning." "Brother so and so wants me to wait." I said, "Well, then I'm not meeting with you. If you can't tell me what it's concerning I'm not walking into any meeting with you." Then he told me it had to do with my car being parked in front of a worldly woman's house one evening earlier in the week. I laughed and told him the truth that it was my employer who hired me to install her surround sound system and that her father was present. Then I asked how he knew I was there. He mentioned that someone had called him and he drove there to see the car himself. I responded that he should have come to the door and I would have introduced him to the woman and her father. I commented that he could drive the 5 miles from his house to see if my car was there, but for a year or more hadn't come to my house (only 1 mile away) for a friendly visit. That's friendship. It ended with three meetings in which I told the PO (who had it out for me) that he was a sarcastic and self centered egotist who showed no feelings for anyone but himself. He told me, "The Circuit Overseer said not to speak with you unless there are two people there." What a jerk. That's when I knew they were afraid of my unwillingness to bend over for them.

  • Abandoned

    I wouldn't call it an accusation really, but twice I had "conversations" that were suspect.

    The first was with an MS who's wife was friends with my wife. He came by one day for "chit chat" and ended up asking me if I was aware of the society's policy on oral sex. I told him that I was and changed the subject. I don't know if he was thinking that I we were doing something we shouldn't be or if I was likely to find out about his indiscretion, but the whole thing kind of creeped me out.

    Then, after I had stopped attending the meetings, the CO came by our house. He did his little information gathering routine and then determined (probably by divine inspiration ) that my wife and I were having marital problems. Even though I told him that there wasn't anything wrong with our marriage, which I don't think there was at that point, he kept up the questioning until, if I remember correctly, I excused myself to go and play video games on the computer.

  • JimmyPage

    I've posted this before, but when I was inactive a couple of elders came by my apartment and visited with me. I was waiting for the cable man to install the basic package, no movie channels. I had never had cable before so it was pretty cool for me. One of the elders (the little prick) said, "So I guess you're getting cable so you can watch dirty movies, huh?" There was nothing to warrant this comment from him. In retrospect I wish I would have told him, "No I already have enough dirty movies that me and your wife made together." Needless to say it was a very encouraging visit and my respect for these "gifts in men" went up immensely.

  • loosie
    I was falsely accused of being a jw the other day.

    Lol Atypical. I have two people at work who won't believe that I am no longer a jehovahs witness. They say because I went to a memorial 4 years ago I am a jw. I guess not attending anything for four years and claiming you are not a jw isn't good enough.

  • bronzefist

    Was accused of persecuting the person who had an affair with my first wife by the entire BOE in the "backroom". Was accused of trying to kill the elder that studied w/me when I came in. He said he never thought that. Was accused of lying by my brother the elder while the other elder stared at his shoes not saying a word. Later he said, " Maybe I should have said something, because the charges your brother made were unfounded." Was accused by a former CO that I tried to prevent my second wife from going out in service...she lied to get back at me for not throwing my son out of our house.


  • Bring_the_Light

    I recently found out my dad took heat for letting me go to college. Probably took heat for the fact I never progressed in the truth (never baptised). He was an (MS). I love my dad. He was a real believer, but was also a real believer in education and for a mans right to make his own choices. He's out now too. So you could say I was correctly accused of not believing the Grand Lie, my dad was falsely accused of it being his fault. His superb genes for intellect played a role, but I'm the one that used those genes to full effect. :D

  • justified

    I was accused of having an affair with my boss that happened to be a witness with my 7 and 9 year old children present. The PO tried to have a meeting with me without opening it with prayer, he told me he didn't have to. I looked him straight in the eye and told him I wasn't some lay catholic that he could boss around, if he was going to TRY to council me he WOULD open with prayer or I was leaving because that meant that they did not have Jehovah's backing.

    My husband was falsly accused of wanting to wife swap with this same person, he was also accused and had his priviledges taken away because the elders didn't think he was really serious when he and I were dating (I guess he proved them wrong when we got married and stayed married, all their kids dated around and then all ended up divorced).

    Oh we were also falsly accused of starving our children. I guess because our kids actually went outside to play and were therefore fit and weren't obese like the rest of them it meant we weren't feeding them.

  • loosie

    I was accused to being PG before I was married. We eloped. ( naughty naughty) We didn't tell anybody for a couple of months. Then we announced it. My son was born 12 after we got married. ( ever know of anyone who was PG for 12 months?)

    In the JC they asked me what month I got married and I told them April. They said are you sure it wasn't June? I said Yes I am sure I was there I know when I got married. you wanna see my marriage certificate?

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