Gross things little boys did this morning..........calgon take me away!

by kitten whiskers 22 Replies latest social humour

  • kitten whiskers
    kitten whiskers

    Okay. Prepare to be grossed out. If you've never been around little boys, you're gonna flip.

    My kids had the neighbors over for a sleep over last night. The girls ages 7and 9 are having fun cutting out christmas ornaments from construction paper. The boys ages 5 and 6 are playing nicely. No one is fighting. (The 7 year old girl and 5 year old boy are ours. The others are brother and sister from next door). This is a big accomplishment because usually after such a long play period there is chaos. Anyway,,,,,, I am happy everyone is having a great time. I let them play. The girls want to take showers but don't want to use the kids bathroom. It stinks they say. Can they use our bathroom in Master Bedroom. Okay. I go check the kids bathroom. Toilet has poo and hasn't been flushed. My son has a habit of forgetting to flush. (Created when I had to check every time he went for medical reasons, anyway, he still hasn't remembered to flush everytime now.) But it isn't his. Apparently the 6 year old doesn't remember either. Is this a boy thing? I figure it must be. I had no brothers to gross me out, so my son takes care of that now. So I tell them to flush. Then the girls say " The boy's bedroom stinks". Great. What now?

    What do you suppose I find??????????? GROSS OUT WARNING: A car with a huge piece of poo on it sitting on his train table. OH MY GOD! What goes through kids heads? Evidently my son saw some kids at school do it to a toy in the boys bathroom, and then they took it back into the classroom and the teacher threw it away. So this is where the mastermind idea came from. Anyway they both point fingers at each other. You know it's never THEIR fault. To top it off I'm on the phone with my grandma when this is all unravelling before my eyes and I have to hang up before she hears how gross my son is. Needless to say, Mama ain't happy. They get a long lecture, stand in the corner and are now putting all the toys away.

    Oh I forgot to mention, earlier I found a wet toy in our bathroom and threw that out because it had fallen in the toilet. I thought that was an honest mistake. I am afraid to ask now. I think they were preparing themselves to go where no toy has gone before. (At least in this house).

    I can hardly wait to see the neighbor lady's reaction when they have to tell her what they did. These boys are not innocent. Well they are sweet and pretty good kids, but together they do some stupid things. They've jumped up and down on top of a car denting the roof and now this. I know the roof thing was the neighbor boys idea, I caught him on top of my van roof once (heartattack-if he fell on the concrete it could have killed him!) But this one was my boys bright idea. Please tell me this is just part of being boys. Like I said, I had no brothers and so this is my first go at what little things made of snips and snails and puppydog tails do. Hope it makes your day a little brighter knowing the crap you have to deal with today isn't as litteral as mine!

    Kitten Whiskers

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty


    That is histerical!!! Glad I have 1 girl!!! HA HA HA!! I love little boys though!! God bless them all!!


    Lady Liberty

  • unique1

    Boys will keep you on your toes!! Too funny. It is all just innocent, rambunctious fun.

  • Legolas


    I remember a story of 2 boy from our old hall, they filled 2 great big water guns (The huge ones not the small hand ones) with their pee and went around spraying the other kids in the neighborhood!

  • hemp lover
    hemp lover

    This is hilarious and I think you're right about it being a boy thing. When we were walking to school one day, my brother took a dump behind some bushes at the Nazarene church. The minister's wife was his second grade teacher and she was horrible to JWs. We used to come home with marks on our arms from her fingernails. Anyway - for several months after that, we would check on the offal every day to note the rate of decomp. Good times....

  • mama1119

    Thank goodness for girls I say. My husband has told me stories of him and his brothers shenanigans when they were little, and I am so thankful I have two sweet girls.

  • tan

    Boys are gross and the bad thing about it is they still are as teenagers they just do it different ways.

    Enjoyed your story, it only gets better as they get older. I have a 15 year old boy.

  • troucul

    Makes me wish I had my boys here so I could give them a big hug.

  • JWdaughter

    There is a yellow line out the side of my sons old bedroom window. YES, it is what you think. There is no bathroom upstairs and only one downstairs. . .My youngest son has some wiping/flushing issues, but the worst thing is he picks his nose and . . .still occasionally eats it. It is tapering off due to peer pressure, but he is six now. I am just waiting for dead frogs in the pocket, etc. We only have neighbor girls, so I am assuming a different kind of issue in the next couple of years. Wondering if I should have toy stethoscopes and dr/nurse kits banned from the neighborhood-in self defence. Of course he is ALREADY engaged to Ella-from kindergarten, and they have been an item since Sept 2005. Hopefully he will be faithful until marriage-and they don't have after school play dates (whew).

  • orbison11

    nah, kitten, your boys are just on their way to manhood! lol

    i have 3 boys, well did, until i got df'd, anyway, they were up to antics like that daily, i had one that was in the hospital so much i am sure there was a red flashing light on their computer every time we went in,,,lets see

    one time there was a smash of a broken window in his bedroom,,,he was catching a fly

    another time, call from the school, ambulance just took him away, ran into soccer pole and got knocked out,,it went on and on with them,,,

    but , they were my gang, my hoods as i called them, i love them so much

    it is a travesty what the wt did to us,,oh well, the end is not near, there is time to reconcile


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