Children in Bulgaria - CANNOT BECOME MEMBERS

by compound complex 30 Replies latest jw experiences

  • StillGroggy

    I was Baptised at 13. That should be illegal.

  • compound complex
  • mcsemike

    Does every WT lawyer come from Philadelphia?

    Re: Scully's comments. This is like the Catholic Church saying that NONE of their priests have EVER molested a child because the second they did molest them, they ceased being "current" or "active" priests and were instantaneously transformed into "former" priests. These "former" priests passed from being "active" priests to "former" priests in the blink of an eye. It's almost like the Catholic Church never even heard of them, much less is responsible for their actions.

    Very cute reasoning. They can then say that NO Catholic priest (read "current") has ever molested any child ever, anywhere in the world. Then why is the Catholic Church paying off lawsuits? And why did the WT do the same thing and settle financially with victims of abuse? Why is the WT responsible for the conduct of "former" elders?

    Any thoughts on this? A logical answer would prevent many of the headaches I get from trying to analyze this cult.

  • skyking

    One big point Guys. Look at the actual court agreement. Bulgaria dropped this option the JDUB's offered to them. Yes they offered it to the Bulgarian Government but in the final agreement it was not included.

    So the children can still get bapbtized andbe active members.

    Remember this: The JDUB's offered.

  • smiddy

    I think it`s a cop out of the wbts to say their v`e dis associated themselves,it`s not really the same thing,to disassociate yourself is to willfully reject jehovah`s organization,something that the majority of jw`s would liken to sinning against the holy spirit,not forgiven in the previous system of things,the present system of things or the coming system of things.The burden on JW`s is far greater.So to follow the wbts in their present understanding is obligatory,to the detriment of the jw.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    bttt for skeeter ...

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    BTTT due to recent interest shown ...

  • dysfunction

    My sis was baptized at 9 years old age. I was baptized at 15 years of age, and I sure did not know how to think for myself or research.

  • moshe

    JWs are volunteers. Field service is voluntary, filling out the No-blood card was voluntary, joining the Theocraptic school is voluntary, etc. Unless you are one of the 2000 or so voting members of the Pennsylvania WT Corp, you have no official standing.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    bttt for NewChapter

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