Fictional Teaching of Slave Class/RF

by compound complex 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • compound complex
    compound complex


    The Faithful and Discreet Slave

    Masking Over Reality - For What Purpose?

    What, then, does the fictional teaching about a worldwide administrative and spiritual-food-supplying slave "class" accomplish? It provides a prime basis on which the organization's authority rests, by which a small group of men, whose number represents only one-seventh of one percent (0.0014) of the 8,800 "anointed," assumes the right to determine not only what all the "anointed," but in fact all Witnesses, will read, study, believe and practice. By its stress on a "class" it also serves to robe the real authority structure with a shroud of anonymity, giving the appearance of a wide diversity of membership and globality that is 'not of whole cloth,' simply not true.This fictional concept enables the real authority structure - the dozen or so members of the Governing Body - to ask for almost total obedience to their own directives without appearing as arrogant or self-serving.[comments on GB's tremendous power] By speaking of the "faithful and discreet slave class," attention is diverted from the small power group as the true authority structure. As "the slave class" that authority source takes on a certain vagueness, an amorphous quality and an extensiveness belonging to an essentially faceless aggregation that is not definable or identifiable in any real sense for the average member.The euphemistic use of the expression and, surprisingly, their own belief in the concept, also enables the Governing Body members to publish statements calling for almost total submission to their decisions without being troubled personally by a sense of arrogance. (pp. 163, 164)

    Ray Franz concludes this section by stating that the WT's multifaceted claims regarding a "slave class" are "unsupportable, even fictional."


  • *jeremiah*
    The euphemistic use of the expression and, surprisingly, their own belief in the concept, also enables the Governing Body members to publish statements calling for almost total submission to their decisions without being troubled personally by a sense of arrogance.

    Hey CoCo,

    I was just reading "Will Good Triumph Over Evil" from the Jan.1st 2006 WT which is currently being promoted on

    Basically their solution is "taking in accurate knowledge". In other words, any of us can fall into evil unless we "take in accurate knowledge". Also, if you are currently evil "taking in accurate knowledge" will help one to overcome evil.

    This comes from John 17:3 in their New World Trans. it says, “This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ.” ( John 17:3 )

    I looked in many other translations and most of them say something like,..." 3 Now this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent."

    I see this "gaining or taking in accurate knowledge" concept as another tentacle the GB uses to enforce submission to their teachings and rules.

    According to the JW's, how does one take in knowledge of God?

    The answer is one we have all lived, the GB's literature, follow their commandments, believe in their doctrine,etc.etc., and that, and that alone is the only way to get to know the knowledge of God.

  • yesidid

    Great quote CoCo. Thanks

  • Narkissos
    The euphemistic use of the expression and, surprisingly, their own belief in the concept, also enables the Governing Body members to publish statements calling for almost total submission to their decisions without being troubled personally by a sense of arrogance.

    This imo is the biggest mystery: an incredible illustration of our endless ability to delude ourselves.

  • M.J.
    Basically their solution is "taking in accurate knowledge". In other words, any of us can fall into evil unless we "take in accurate knowledge". Also, if you are currently evil "taking in accurate knowledge" will help one to overcome evil.

    Sounds like a gnostic concept.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Friends,

    Thank you for your comments; I do appreciate your participation.

    Who Actually Supplies the "Food"?

    There were, of course, articles that did come through from "anointed" brothers in different countries. [footnote #37: In almost all cases the article came because President Knorr had sent an assignment to the person to write it.] These, however, were subject to review, revision and even total rewriting according to the discretion of the Writing Department overseer, Karl Adams. Yet Karl himself was not of the "anointed." He felt no hesitance in turning over an article written by one of the "anointed" to one of the "other sheep" for reworking or rewriting, and frequently did so.

    The sole exception to this rule were the writings prepared by the vice president, Fred Franz. As Karl stated to me, Knorr had made clear that the vice president's writings were to be altered only with the vice president's permission.

    Ray Franz concludes this series of paragraphs by indicating that, while Nathan Knorr acknowledged that the majority of the writing was done by the "other sheep" class - it is actually they who do the thinking, development and writing of the material - it is nevertheless read and approved by the "anointed" before printing. This apparently adds an "anointed touch" to the material. Such specious reasoning is lost on those who recognize WHO truly are supplying the "spiritual food." - pp. 154, 155


  • rolling rock
    rolling rock

    Good stuff Co Co...

  • M.J.
    This apparently adds an "anointed touch" to the material.

    "Dominus ominus..."

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Repliers,

    Thank you, once again. So, fiction has become "fact" in the minds of many. Just look at the Revelation Climax book. Thank you, Ray Franz, for your contribution toward our emancipation.


  • compound complex

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